Minimum wage or NMW Is the lowest salary that workers must receive for the legal working day. On this page, you can view the NMW of the different countries, (National currency and in Dollars or Euros).
Fixing Minimum Wage in Pakistan: Comparative Analysis of the ILO Convention No. 131 and the Islamic Principles of Adal and IhsanAmin, MuhammadManchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice
Power loom Bosses refused to raise the minimum monthly wage to 9000 rupees in Pakistan. They appealed to the government not to use electricity in the loom industry. Because of power failure, they could not start work four days a week. Representatives of the power looms said they refused to ...
Negative Effects of the Minimum Wage and Its Increase on Pakistan 2 Pages894 Words Have you ever wondered why our business world has made such a limited progress since independence? Have you ever thought why our nation still is in the list of N11 from last 17 years and still could not be...