New Minimum Wage in S.F., Same Mayor in Philadelphia
Selecteer in de lijstBetalingstypede optie Minimumloonsaldo. Voer in het vakTarief betaleneen tarief in. Het loontarief is het minimum uurtarief dat de werknemer moet ontvangen. Selecteer een betaalperiode in de lijstBetalingsperiode. Schakel in de sectieOnderworpen aan belastingende s...
Minimum Wage Needs to Increase, Says Cable
The employer claimed the the employee agreed to an hourly wage of 6.50 dollars. The court ruled that the company could not claim a credit toward the minimum wage because it had no good reason for failing to pay the minimum wage and overtime....
Clinton Approves Minimum Wage Hike Bill Includes Breaks for Small BusinessesPresident Bill Clinton signed legislation Tuesday that increases the minimum wage for the first time in five years and offers small businesses and others a hefty package of tax breaks....
President Will Delay Push for Hike in Minimum WageIn a slimmed-down version Wednesday of his State of the Union address, President Bill Clinton pressed his campaign for middle-class tax breaks but backed away from quick action on boosting the minimum wage....