1937: In a turnaround, the Supreme Court narrowly upholds Washington state’s minimum wage law, when Justice Owen Roberts unexpectedly sides with the court’s four-member liberal minority. The case, West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish, involved a former chambermaid who sued a hotel for $216.19 ...
New York and the minimum‐wage movement, 1933–1937doi:10.1080/00236567408584290Robert P. IngallsLabor HistoryReynolds, D. and J. Kern (2002), `Labor and the Living-Wage Movement', Working USA, Winter, 5, 3, 17-45.
This interpretation was specifically reversed in 1937. Since then, the question has changed from whether minimum wage laws were constitutional to whether they were prudent. In discussing the repercussions of setting a minimum wage, Justice Sutherland commented in the majority opinion in Adkins v. ...
doi:10.1186/s41937-020-00067-5SWITZERLANDMINIMUM wageRESTAURANTSLABOR supplyLAW reports, digests, etc.EMPLOYMENTThis paper provides a first set of results on the impact of minimum wage regulation in Switzerland. We study the effects of an unexpected Supreme Court ruling manda...
local minimum-wage laws, which the Supreme Court had declared unconstitutional. But the Courtreversed itself in 1937, opening the door for F.D.R.’s federal policy. The original federal wage was25 cents an hour, and it mainly covered manufacturing jobs. Over time, it was expanded to cover...
Minimum wage and below is not a living wage. It is rather a starter job rate for those who lack the skills necessary to earn a living and have a career. Few work at such a level for more than a year. In fact, few work even at their first job for such a salary. But for those...
Utah and D.C. 1937. Fair Labor Standards Act established federal minimum wage of $0.25 1st year; $0.30, the next 6 yrs. Narrow coverage. Numerous exemptions. 1949-1966. Increases in minimum wage in 1949,55,61. More Coverage Post ‘66 1966. The FLSA amended to cover agricultural workers...
This chapter begins with a historical review of the federal minimum wage and data about minimum wage. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour and hasn’t been increased in 10 years. Twenty-nine states have a minimum wage higher than the federal
We examine the legal-historical debate concerning whether the Supreme Court renounced its policy of laissez-faire individualism in its 1937 ruling finding the minimum wage law constitutional, arguing that it did not. We investigate the free market standard that the Court used to find minimum wage ...
A systematic spatial anal- ysis of all (71) House roll calls on minimum wages between 1937 and 1985 is conducted in section 7.6. We find that minimum wage voting is related not only to a "prolabor" or "economic" dimension but also to a "pro-civil rights/ anti-civil rights" or "...