Kruskal Algorithm: Kruskal's algorithm follows the greedy approach in each iteration it adds the weight of the minimum edge to a growing spanning tree. Following steps are used in Kruskal algo, Sort the graph edges on the basis of their weight. ...
Shapiro. An empirical assessment of algorithms for constructing a minimum spanning tree. DIMACS Monographs 15, 99-117, 1994.B. Moret and H. Shapiro, An empirical assessment of algorithms for constructing a minimum spanning tree, DIMACS Monographs in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Sci-...
2:SubMST = Kruskal(submatrix) 3:end for 4: outputsubMST 图1 最小生成树聚类算法示意图 Fig.1 Minimum spanning tree clustering algorithm figure 图2 算法运行时间比较 Fig.2 Algorithm running time comparison 图3 不同数据集下的运算时间 Fig.3 Running time on different data set 孔世明.基于最小生...