If you are dealing with a population proportion instead of a population mean, you should use instead ourminimum required sample size calculator for proportions. Why is 30 the minimum sample size? That convention refers to a different situation: it refers to the usual minimum sample size required...
Note that this calculator is strictly addressing the question of alpha robustness to non-normality. Power is not considered here. If the minimum sample size requirements cannot be met, you should use a nonparametric equivalent to the parametric hypothesis test (i.e. One Sample Sign or Wilcoxon, ...
, and it’s needed to allow for security checks and any terminal changes. a few things you should know: it’s important to respect the minimum connection time between flights. flights without an adequate connection time can’t be booked. the sample connection times provided in the tables ...
New calculator for projects performing the ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation rate procedure calculations required for EQ Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance. This optional calculator can be used for LEED 2009 and LEED v4 projects and is an alternative to the ASHRAE 62.1 62MZCalc and previous 100...