The fundamental theorem of game theory which states that every finite, zero-sum, two-person game has optimal mixed strategies. It was proved by John von Neumann in 1928. Formally, let X and Y be mixed strategies for players A and B. Let A be the payoff m
, the minimax strategy for both players gives a Nash equilibrium of the game. This is especially important in zero-sum games, in which the minimax always gives a Nash equilibrium of the game, as the minimax and maximin are necessarily equal. Minimax theorem The minimax theorem establishes ...
main theorem of the game theorymoderate data processingWe consider a Bernoulli two-armed bandit problem on a moderate control horizon as applied to optimization of processing moderate amounts of data if there are two processing methods available with different a priori unknown efficiencies. One has ...
Von Neumann proved the minimax theorem (existence of a saddle-point solution to 2 person, zero sum games) in 1928. While his second article on the minimax theorem, stating the proof, has long been ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook minimax (redirected fromMinimax theorem) Encyclopedia min·i·max (mĭn′ə-măks′) adj. Of or relating to the strategy in game theory that minimizes the maximum risk for a player. [mini(mum)+max(imum).] ...
minimax theorem 极大极小值定理 minimax rule 极小极大规则 minimax decision rule 极小化最大判决定则 minimax approach 极小极大方法 minimax error norm 极大极小误差范数 minimax negative utility 极小极大负效用 minimax solution 极大极小解,极小极大解,极值解 minimax system 极大极小系统,极小极大...
The meaning of MINIMAX THEOREM is a theorem in the theory of games: the lowest maximum expected loss equals the highest minimum expected gain.
Neumann and Morgenstern’s famous book on game theory published in 1944. The second purpose of this paper is to discuss a more philosophical issue concern- ing the significance of the context in which a theorem is developed. The importance ...
Minimax Risk 是(1)Rn≡Rn(P)=infθ^supP∈PEP[d(θ^,θ(P))]估计Minimax Risk Bound 寻找 Min...
Part of the book series:Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications(PNLDE, volume 24) Accesses Table of contents (9 chapters) Front Matter Pages i-viii Download chapterPDF Introduction Michel Willem Pages 1-5 Linking theorem ...