int value =alpha_beta_pruning(position->left,alpha,beta,false); max1 = std::max(value,max1); alpha = std::max(alpha,max1);if(beta <= alpha){delete_subtree(position->right);//剪枝只发生在右边position->right = NULL;returnmax1; } value =alpha_beta_pruning(position->right,alpha,beta...
Minimax极⼤极⼩算法、Alpha-BetaPruning剪枝算法 这篇博客分为两部分。⾸先我会先讲极⼤极⼩算法,然后在此基础上进⾏改进给出进阶版的Alpha-Beta剪枝算法以及代码实现。⽂中配备b站讲解的视频,感兴趣的可以看⼀下视频讲解,然后复习的时候拿着⽂章当作参考。Minimax算法(极⼤极⼩算法)概念 是...
Minimax-with-Alpha-Beta-Pruning-Chess-AI古典**r≡ 上传9.37 MB 文件格式 zip chess-ai javascript-game α-β 剪枝优化 Minimax 算法国际象棋 AI 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 uniapp_webview_template 2025-02-25 19:19:16 积分:1 app 2025-02-25 19:18:34 积分:1 ...
game ai artificial-intelligence minimax unbeatable alpha-beta-pruning unbeatable-game Updated Mar 15, 2017 Java SnowballSH / Avalanche Star 78 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions UCI Chess Engine written in Zig. chess ai neural-network zig minimax nnue Updated Oct 13, 2024 Zig armink...
impossible to complete the full search and hence after reaching a depth d' (d << d) , we use a heuristic function to return a value based on the status of the game given at that node.Alpha-beta pruning is an algorithm to reduce the searching during minimax by pruning certain branches....
It's a nice way to show the # distinction between the basic Minimax and Minimax with # alpha-beta pruning :) import time class Game: def __init__(self): self.initialize_game() def initialize_game(self): self.current_state = [['.','.','.'], ['.','.','.'], ['.','.'...
About Apply Minimax Algorithm and Alpha-Beta Pruning to Tic tac Toe game Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 1 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Languages Python 100.0% ...
Game trees Game trees Minimax algorithm a-b pruning A tree to represent the progression of states during a two-player game Minimax algorithm A way of finding an optimal move in a two-player game (or in a game tree) a-b pruning A way of speeding up minimax algorithm ...
🎮 使用α-β剪枝(Alpha-beta-pruning)的极小极大算法(Minimax-algorithm)实现的井字棋(一字棋、tic-tac-toe)游戏。 tic-tac-toe minimax alpha-beta-pruning minimax-search minimax-algorithm tic-tac-toe-game Updated Oct 27, 2017 C++ avianey / minimax4j Star 27 Code Issues Pull requests A ...