While I'm not requesting you to achieve the appeal of Diablo 3's minimaps at all, I just wanted to point out that the minimap is made of only three main colors, on both examples (I personally prefer the Diablo 3 example) There a dark blue texture used as background, a brownish grey...
Neat Minimap cleans your WoW minimap by auto hiding buttons when your mouse is not near the minimap - mooreatv/NeatMinimap
(this code is written by ZOS, not me)If you think you need a full-featured mini map try the MiniMap by Fyrakin.@Shinni did a great job creating a plug-in for a Circular Votan's Mini Map. And if you want to show group pins in different colors and/or icons, such as showing a ...
if not f.DarkModeLFGHooked then f.DarkModeLFGHooked = true hooksecurefunc(minimapModule, 'CreateQueueStatus', function() -- local db = Module.db.profile local state = db.general if _G['LFGMinimapFrameBorder'] then _G['LFGMinimapFrameBorder']:SetDesaturated(state.minimapDesaturate) _G[...
if state.skinButtons and not Module.SkinButtonsHooked then Module.SkinButtonsHooked = true; Module.ChangeMinimapButtons() elseif not state.skinButtons and Module.SkinButtonsHooked then DF:Print("'Skin Minimap Buttons' was deactivated, but Buttons were already modified, please /reload."); end...