Requires Minimal Theme Works withHider Pluginto simplify the Obsidian UI by removing the menu ribbon, tooltips, title bar, scrollbars, etc. This functionality was previously included in Minimal Theme but has now been separated out. Settings ...
Boninall Obsidian ଈ在实时预览模式下编辑,如果出现光标不显示,而且你使用的是 Minimal 主题的话,那么大概率是因为 Minimal Theme Settings 中的 Colorful Cursors 选项引起的,你可以选择关闭它,或者更新 Minimal 主题/ Minimal Theme Settings。希望能帮到你,下次看到别人有同样问题,请帮他一下 发布于 2022-07-12...
Minimal Theme Settings pluginallows you to customize color schemes, fonts,hotkeys, and access the main feature toggles. This plugin is highly recommended for all users of Minimal. Hider pluginis recommended to hide Obsidian UI elements such as window frame, scrollbars, tooltips, etc. When using...