minikube的逻辑是创建一个vm,在这个vm里去运行k8s需要的各种docker image 所以你需要解决的是在vm中的docker在pull镜像的时候的代理问题。 starkoverflow上很多人回答的十分不清楚,完全没有找到问题的根源。 其实这个问题有官方解答: 第一步: Minikube creates a Virtual Machine that includes Kubernetes and a Docke...
"syncope-deb" in pod "syncope-deployment-64479cdcf5-cng57" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 我的部署如下: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: # Unique key of the Deployment instance name: syncope-deployment...
关于minikube使用中,trying and failing to pull image的错误 - 简书 ( 总结: minikube虽然默认将docker作为cri,但是它是创建一个vm,在这个vm里去运行k8s需要的各种docker image 解决方案: minikube创建环境时使用参数:--driver='docker' 使用:minikube image load 加载docker pull下来的镜像©著作权归...
ImagePullSecrets GCR 我在deployment.yaml文件中使用ImagePullSecrets配置GCR时遇到问题.由于许可,它无法下载容器 Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: denied: Permission denied for "latest" from request "/v...
eureka" in pod "eureka-0" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image Here is the screenshot folder :Link Here is the docker hub :Link Here is the repo :Link How can I fix all these issues? Attach the log file I showed the error message above...
我正在尝试使用ImagePullBackOff,在本地启动几个容器,但是由于k8s ErrImagePull,容器创建已经停止。yaml很好,在另一个工作站上测试过。我可以用普通的码头来提取图像。" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull imageFailed to pull image "docker.iodocker-env) 但我一直在犯这个 浏览20提问于2022-04...
我正在尝试使用ImagePullBackOff,在本地启动几个容器,但是由于k8s ErrImagePull,容器创建已经停止。yaml很好,在另一个工作站上测试过。我可以用普通的码头来提取图像。但是它在k8s/minikube环境中失败了。" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull imageFailed to pull image "docker.iodocker...
Error from server (BadRequest): container "controller" in pod "ingress-nginx-controller-56b4dfdb44-xfp2c" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image 1. 查看POD详细信息 k describe pod/ingress-nginx-controller-56b4dfdb44-xfp2c -n kube-system ...
Errorfromserver (BadRequest): container"controller"inpod"ingress-nginx-controller-56b4dfdb44-xfp2c"iswaitingtostart: tryingandfailingtopull image 查看POD详细信息 k describe pod/ingress-nginx-controller-56b4dfdb44-xfp2c -n kube-system Events:TypeReason Age From Message--- --- --- --- ---Wa...
One has to hit the VM port, on the host'slocalhost, to get tunneled through. $ podman --remote ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 718204796f7b 21 minutes ago Up 21 minutes ago>22/tcp, 192...