Reinforcement Learning Project - Minigrid Environments using PPO This repository contains work completed for the course COMP552 Reinforcement Learning at Rice University. The goal of this project is to explore and implement various reinforcement learning algorithms in custom environments to solve open-ended...
Minimalistic gridworld environment for OpenAI Gym. Contribute to Arielliu3124/gym-minigrid development by creating an account on GitHub.
cd torch-rl python3 -m scripts.train --env MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0 --algo ppo Wrappers MiniGrid is built to support tasks involving natural language and sparse rewards. The observations are dictionaries, with an 'image' field, partially observable view of the environment, a 'mission' field ...
XLand-MiniGrid:JAX中的可扩展元增强学习环境 我们展示了XLand-MiniGrid,这是一套用于元信息学习研究的工具和网格世界环境,其灵感来自XLand的多样性和深度以及MiniGrid的简单性和极简主义。XLand Minigrid是用JAX编写的,设计成高度可扩展的,可以在GPU或TPU加速器上运行... XLand MiniGrid缺乏多智能体仿真支持是一个关键...
Minimalistic gridworld package for OpenAI Gym. Contribute to WenhaoMa-UTS/gym-minigrid development by creating an account on GitHub.
import gymnasium as gym from stable_baselines3 import PPO import minigrid import novgrid config = { 'env_configs': 'door_key_change' 'total_timesteps': 10000000, 'novelty_step': 10000 } env = novgrid.NoveltyEnv( env_configs=config['env_configs'], novelty_step=config['novelty_step'], ...
🔥 Multi-GPU PPO baselines in thePureJaxRLstyle, which can achieve1 trillionenvironment steps under two days How cool is that? For more details, take a look at thetechnical paperorexamples, which will walk you through the basics and training your own adaptive agents in minutes!
python reinforcement-learning minigrid jax meta-reinforcement-learning xland Updated Aug 16, 2024 Python lcswillems / torch-ac Star 190 Code Issues Pull requests Recurrent and multi-process PyTorch implementation of deep reinforcement Actor-Critic algorithms A2C and PPO reinforcement-learning deep-rein...
cd torch-rl python3 -m scripts.train --env MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0 --algo ppo WrappersMiniGrid is built to support tasks involving natural language and sparse rewards. The observations are dictionaries, with an 'image' field, partially observable view of the environment, a 'mission' field ...
cd torch-rl python3 -m scripts.train --env MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0 --algo ppo Wrappers MiniGrid is built to support tasks involving natural language and sparse rewards. The observations are dictionaries, with an 'image' field, partially observable view of the environment, a 'mission' field ...