MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY期刊的2020-2022年连续3年的影响因子持续上升,分别为3.862分,3.737分,3.8分。 3、分区 根据中科院的评级,MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY期刊位于 大类学科 医学:3区;小类学科 药物化学:3区;在JCR期刊分区中,则被评为Q2区。 4、研究范围 MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMIST...
Mini-reviews are usually commissioned and are usually based on one or more recently published articles interesting enough to warrant a short commentary. For more guidance about submission, please refer to thesubmission guidelines. If you are interested in submitting a mini-review not previously ...
根据官方公布的信息,MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY期刊的审稿周期大约为2-4周。 5.版面费 Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry期刊“Open Access Plus(Gold Open Access)”出版物的费用为每篇文章 3450美元,在专题期刊上发表的文章处理费 (APC) 为 1900美元。 6.期刊接受类型 期刊发表关于药物化学和相关学科...
Mini-Reviews: Three Compelling Reads about the Brain and How It WorksVictoria Stern
Mini-Reviews: Remember, Mortal, Bomb February 25, 2025Leave a comment Mary Balogh,Remember When Clarissa Ware, the dowager countess of Ravenswood, is taking stock of her life. She’s nearly 50, her husband has been dead for several years, and her children are grown. Now she wants to disc...
MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY期刊的2020-2022年连续3年的影响因子持续上升,分别为3.862分,3.737分,3.8分。 3、分区 根据中科院的评级,MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY期刊位于 大类学科 医学:3区;小类学科 药物化学:3区;在JCR期刊分区中,则被评为Q2区。
Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry的JCR分区为化学、医药领域Q3,中科院分区为医学类3区。 该期刊近年来影响因子在2.6~2.9之间波动,2020年预测影响因子为:839/(128+118)=3.411,较2019年上升24.8%,突破3分大关! 5.自引率 Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry自引率为1%,远低于安全线(25%),大家还是可以放心投稿...
引言部分:首先对mini-reviews in medicinal chemistry进行简要介绍,介绍该期刊的背景和特点,以及其在医药化学领域的重要性和影响力。接着,对本文的研究目的进行明确和具体地描述,即在该期刊上撰写一篇长文,从而引出本文的整体框架。 正文部分:本文的正文将以四个要点为主线进行展开。每个要点将对mini-reviews in medici...
Launch of mini-reviews in hot topics. The therapeutic use of sulfhydrylated inhibitor zofenopril has raised different hypotheses regarding the role played by its thiol group in the beneficial clinical effects. In order to evaluate the involvement of the H2S pathway in the ex... A Amrita,C Gius...
Category: Mini Reviews Monthly Monkey Mini Reviews – Time for a Marvellous March 2025! Published on March 2, 2025 8 Comments Hello all! Looks like we’re we’re marching on with this year at breakneck speed!! And my mood is definitely picking up with the weather (finally we can see...