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Some possible explanations of the observed behavior are also presented.doi:10.1016/S1569-9056(13)62266-6Hosseini, M.M.Aminsharifi, A.Shakeri, S.Eslahi, A.Basiratnia, M.Derakhshan, A.Fallahzadeh, M.H.Elsevier B.V.European Urology Supplements...
SpinΩ, spinning culture in SpinΩ bioreactor; No spin, stationary culture in an ultra-low attachment plate; Shaking, shaking culture in an ultra-low attachment plate placed on orbital shaker at the same speed as the SpinΩ. Scale bars: 100 μm. To address these challenges, we engineered ...
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Abstract The depletion of phosphorus resources and the problem of environmental pollution are driving the advancement of traditional methods for wastewater treatment. Researchers have taken an interest in microalgae-based processes, which offer a sustainable approach by effectively converting phosphorus into ...
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