Nowadays many engineering students are trying to improve their knowledge and skills by creating new projects. Especially in the electronics field, there is a lot of chance to prove themselves as good electronics engineering students as they have to do a lot of hard work in completing the project...
The main intention of this project is to design a remote jamming device, which can jam the TV remote rays. In this system, infrared rays develop – they are generally emitted by a TV remote. The proposed system is built by using a 555 timer in astable mode, which is made to generate ...
#define TIMER0_IEN_ENB TCSR0 |= (1<<29) //定时器中断使能 #define TIMER0_IEN...
desjeweiligenEigentimersohneRechtsverletzungenzubeabsichtigen. SERVICEUNDSUPPORT BesuchenSieunseremehrsprachigeWebseiteunter:httpsfwwwasuscormyde/support/ Inhaltsverzeichnis Hinweise Sicherheitsinformationen WoefindenSieweitereInformatiomensee Verpackungsinhalt Kapitel1;ErsteSchritte Willko...
Sure, countless microcontroller development boards featuring a USB connection have made it to the Projects and Tutorials pages of Electroschematics. Although these days it really is easy to build your own development boards with USB interface, it is much easier just to buy this sort of boards rea...
This project is mainly used to implement a tester circuit that is used to test different cables and wires. This circuit uses a decade counter and a 555 timer IC. Microcontroller based Celsius Scale Thermometer The main function of this project is to measure the surrounding temperature over the ...