Kerola T, Hiltunen M, Kettunen R, Hartikainen S, Sulkava R, Vuolteenaho O, et al. Mini-Mental State Examination score and B-type natriuretic peptide as predictors of cardiovascular and total mortality in an elderly general population. Ann Med 2011;43:650-9....
A low MMSE score (Mini-Mental State Examination) - a method used to indicate cognitive impairment - represented a risk factor in terms of losing teeth. Reduction in dental care after dementia diagnosis [The Mini-Mental State Examination as a selected diagnostic test for dementia: a Colombian pop...
In order to more clearly define these relationships, a prospective longitudinal study was devised to answer two questions: (1) whether race or level of education affects scores on the Mini-Mental State (MMS) exam in non-demented people and (2) what numerical cutpoints maximize the sensitivity ...
Mini-Mental State Examination score and B-type natriuretic peptide as predictors of cardiovascular and total mortality in an elderly general population. INTRODUCTION. The aim of the present study was to examine the power of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and mild cognitive impairment as ...
2. Mini-Mental State Exam Scoring: The official total score for the MMSE (i.e. the scores used for statistical analyses) are computer generated. Examiners record individual test item scores on the MMSE test form. The one exception is "WORLD" where examiners record the response of subjects ...
Marshal Folstein advised that the score is “the number of letters in the correct order,” however, this often led to incorrect scoring due to the numerous possible permutations. With the creation of the Standardized MMSE (SMMSE), the proposed and easiest way to score WORLD is using the “...
The Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) is a brief, structured test of mental status that takes about 10 minutes to complete. Introduced by Marshall Folstein and others in 1975, the MMSE is the most commonly used test to assess problems with memory and other cognitive functions. ...
Mini-Mental Status ExamMini-Mental Status Exam MMSE of Folstein Psychometric testing A screening mental status tests; a perfect score on the Folstein is 30; a score < 17 corresponds to probable dementia. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, ...
Effect of a combined natural formula (Royal Jelly + Ginkgo biloba + Panax ginseng) versus placebo on the Mini-Mental State Examination Score (MMSE) in patients with mild cognitive impairment,Mostafa Yakoot,Interventional,Not Applicable
MINI-MENTAL STATE EXAM (MMSE) BACKGROUND The MMSE is screening tool that provides a brief, objective measure of cognitive function. MMSE scores are useful in quantitatively estimating the severity of cognitive impairment and in serially documenting cognitive change. The measure serves as one of the...