Synonyms MMSE Description The Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) is an interviewer-administered 30-item screening examination to assess cognitive status and to track cognitive impairment or recovery over time. Although the MMSE is typically used to screen for mental impairment in older adults, the test ...
Ontology:Mini-mental state examination(C0451306) Definition (NCI)A brief quantitative test used for assessing cognitive function in adults. ConceptsDiagnostic Procedure(T060) SnomedCT273617000 LNCLP156457-6, LP156471-7, MTHU044491 EnglishMMSE - Mini-mental state exam,Mini mental state examination,m...
Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE)PrimerThe Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE) is a cognitive screening tool that provides a brief, objective measure of cognitive function. It can be used to screen for cognitive impairment, to estimate the severity of the impairment, and to document cognitive change ...
The Mini-Mental Exam (Mini-ME)doi:10.1300/J018v27n01_02This research explored the possibility that a short and unobtrusive test of cognitive functioning might be developed for use when cognitive data are not available or in nonclinical surveys of the elderly. Drawing on data from an ...
1“Please copy this picture.” (The examiner gives the patient a blank piece of paper and asks him/her to draw the symbol below. All 10 angles must be present and two must intersect.)30TOTAL Rovner BW, Folstein MF. Mini-mental state exam in clinical practice. Hosp Pract (Off Ed) 1987...
Mini-Mental State Questionnaire Mini-Mental Status Exam Mini-Mental Status Examination mini-mental test mini-mental test mini-mental test mini-mental test mini-mental test mini-mes Mini-Micro Designer Mini-Microbolometer mini-MIM Mini-minor Mini-minor Mini-ML Mini-moto Mini-moto Mini-moto Mini-MU...
Mini Mental State Examination Described in detail by Folstein and colleagues,56this test is a frequently used measure of general cognitive status that examines orientation (time and space) and memory, the ability to follow instructions, name objects, and write a sentence, as well as attention. Th...
The Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) is a widely used test ofcognitive function among the elderly; it includes tests oforientation, attention, memory, language and visual-spatial skills. B. DefInitions: 1. Alert Level: In general participant scoring below education-adjusted cut-off scores* on ...
Mini-Mental state examination, cognitive FIM instrument, and Loewens- tein occupational therapy cognitive assessment: relation with functional outcome of stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83:342-5.Zwecker M, Levenkrohn S, Fleisig Y, et al.: Mini-Mental State Exami- nation, cognitive ...
TheMini-MentalStateExam(MMSE)isawidelyusedtestofcognitivefunction amongtheelderly;itincludestestsoforientation,attention,memory,language andvisual-spatialskills. B. DefInitions: 1.AlertLevel:Ingeneralparticipantscoringbeloweducation-adjustedcut-off scores*ontheMMSEmaybecognitivelyimpaired. ...