3. Playing Quran translation. Select your native language for understand Quran meaning 4. Playing MP3 audio .Support any audio MP3 files 5. Combine and Single mode available. 6. FM radio function. Famous reciters support: 1)Abdulah Matroud 2)AbdulBasit 3)Abdullaah 3awwaad ...
As you can imagine, automated language translation is extremely difficult, as the meaning of words and phrases often depends on the context and specialized knowledge of the domain area or culture. As you’ve noted, sentence structures and grammatical rules vary significantly between two...
Let me repeat that, because I think some reader’s concerns on the subject are based in a misunderstanding born of the ubiquity of the three-sentence pitch: the purpose of keeping the elevator speech to 3-4 sentences is NOT because there is some special virtue in that number of periods, ...
This, in case you are curious, is the primary reason that Millicent tends to have a knee-jerk negative reaction to a first novel much over 100,000 words (400 pages in standard format; if what I just said sounded like Urdu to you, run, don’t walk to check out the HOW TO FORMAT A...