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liquid crystal displayslocal dimmingmini-LEDstatic haloWe develop a measurement and evaluation system to quantify the halo effect of mini-light-emitting diode (LED) backlight liquid crystal displays (mLCDs). The validity and reliability of our halo measurement system was investigated through ...
50.4: Halo Effect Measurement for Mini‐LED Backlight Liquid Crystal Displaysdoi:10.1002/sdtp.16305Xinyu, WangZhiyong, LuGuofeng, KuangGuofu, TangChao, LiuQinquan, ZhangQiaozhen, LianXuerun, HuangSID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers
advantageous from the point of repeatability and selectivity of the method, it generates additional waste plastic material. The techniques are applicable to liquid samples containing moderate proportions of solid particles because the membrane acts as a filter as well, although pores may become clogged ...