Type Number: /,This diecast model car is a unique addition to any collection, without a specific type number. Size: 17.2*7.5*6.5cm,Compact and portable, this mini cooper model fits perfectly on any shelf or desk. Mini Cooper Car Payment|Mini Clubman Copper S|Material: Alloy, Plastic,Craft...
Mini cooper|关于我的玩具车 车贴合集来啦 相信很多的改装都是从一张贴纸开始的,我也不例外🙈 最近给车门做了很喜欢的涂装,也贴了很多新车贴,拍了照片来分享一下~📸✨ 💖左侧车门之前有发过视频,另一侧车门也设计了同色系的英文拉花“THIS CAR IS NOT A TOY”整体改装面积不会太大,像我一样不想去备...
Model Car Auto Edit Model Car Mini Edit Toy Car Trolley Small Edit Mini Cooper Automobile Edit Holidays Car Map Edit Fire Fighters Edit Baby Playing Toy Cars Edit Mini Cooper Automobile Edit Car Car Wallpapers Edit Vehicle Automobile Edit Load more ...
Original Mattel Matchbox Car Toys 1/64 Mini Cooper Set Austin Van Cabrio Set Vehicle Model Toy for Boys Collection Birthday Gift Sold by Cartoy Store(Trader) Ship to Vietnam AliExpress commitment Shipping: ₫45,954 Delivery:Mar. 14
John Coopers Toy Car 由于JCW继续成为宝马Mini的授权改装商,JCW的新老板迈克尔库珀希望将“Cooper”的名字重新带回久违的赛场。很快迈克尔的梦想就成真了,约翰库珀挑战赛在英国开幕。JCW还特地制造了一批mini赛车,可以让参赛者平时开着这种车上下班,而周末就能上赛场比赛,结果车子一出,被抢购一空。
另一款玩具车是Pull Toy Car,这款由榉木材质制成的小车的整体造型比Countryman要优雅,红色车身很是亮眼,深受小孩喜欢;坚固的橡胶轮胎可以看出MINI的诚意,连玩具都可做得这么逼真有格调;引擎盖上白色条纹则显得俏皮有趣,突显了MINI一贯的设计风格。像这样一款精致的玩具车,别说小孩了,连车叔都忍不住想要入手一个摆...
Design: Mini Cooper Car Model,Styled as a mini Cooper, this model car is a collector's delight. Recommend Age: 4-6y, 7-12y, 18+,Designed for a wide age range, this toy car is perfect for kids and adults alike. Features: Diecast,Precision diecast construction ensures a realistic feel ...
另一款玩具车是Pull Toy Car,这款由榉木材质制成的小车的整体造型比Countryman要优雅,红色车身很是亮眼,深受小孩喜欢;坚固的橡胶轮胎可以看出MINI的诚意,连玩具都可做得这么逼真有格调;引擎盖上白色条纹则显得俏皮有趣,突显了MINI一贯的设计风格。像这样一款精致的玩具车,别说小孩了,连车叔都忍不住想要入手一个摆...
Rastar 寶馬 1:24 Mini Cooper S電動遙控兒童玩具車為用家帶來更完美的遙控車。在不同的設置下,用家可以享有更高質的玩樂體驗。 Product Description Power Telecar Warranty Info Distributor offers 3 days Hong Kong local carry-in limited warranty service....
🚗 改装从一张贴纸开始,我的Mini Cooper也不例外!最近给爱车做了新的涂装,并贴上了许多新车贴,快来看看吧~📸✨ 💖 左侧车门的涂装和英文拉花“THIS CAR IS NOT A TOY”相得益彰,整体改装面积适中,不需要备案,非常适合不想麻烦的车主们~