生成makefile的命令:cmake -G “MinGW Makefiles” -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGES=-std=c++11 make的命令:mingw32-make 编译完后在bin目录有exe和dll,在lib目录有a文件
1、下载GLFW源码:glfw下载 2、解压下载的压缩包并在解压好的文件夹里创建Build子目录,cd进build子目录 3、cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ../(如果要编译动态库的话加上-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON) 4、在build目录内用mingw32-make编译即可
cmake+mingw32-make编译GLFW库 2019-11-15 12:15 −... 夜里寻星 0 1094 make && make install的区别 2019-12-21 17:26 −./configure 配置环境make 是编译的意思。就是把源码包编译成二进制可执行文件make install 就是安装的意思。 make && make install 的意思是: make 与 make ... ...
if(MSYS) set(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM /mingw64/bin/mingw32-make) endif(MSYS) but it doesn't work. I would appreciate it if you could help me know how I can resolve this problem. P.S.1. Here is the code. P.S.2. I tried the set(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM /mingw64/bin/m...
mingw32-ma..我是在VSCODE里使用C/C++ Project Generator分文件编译.cpp文件时遇到的。头文件写在include目录下,源文件写在src目录下,控制台输入mingw32-make.exe
Okay, today morning I posted my issue. I decided to build MXE only at basic (make cc). My project use CMake, so I wanted to use MXE CMake wrapper, but got this error: bash: i686-w64-mingw32.static-cmake: command not found... PATH variab...
Microsoft Visual Studio--common--MSDev98--Bin—MSDEV.EXE,通过此路径找到MSDEV.EXE可执行文件(或者右击桌面VC图标,选择打开文件位置)。右键--属性--常规,将MSDEV.EXE更名为MSDEV1.EXE(其它名称也行,如MSDEV2.EXE).右键--属性--兼容性,兼容模式选择Windows XP(service pack2)"或者WindowsXP(...
A basic template for building apps/games using the SDL2 libraries with CMake and MinGW compiler on Windows. - GitHub - stho01/sdl2-cmake-mingw32-template: A basic template for building apps/games using the SDL2 libraries with CMake and MinGW compiler on