解释“mingw32-make[1]: nothing to be done for 'first'.”的含义 这条信息通常出现在使用mingw32-make(MinGW的make工具)进行项目编译时。它的意思是make工具在尝试执行名为first的目标(target)时,发现没有任何需要执行的操作或任务。这通常是因为make工具根据Makefile(或类似的编译脚本)中的规则判断,所有指定的...
Since we don't handle this at all in the stable branch, We would not be able to build shared libraries at all with visibility=hidden because all functions would be hidden and nothing could be linked. In the new build system used by master, we fixed all of this and now handle it by ...
I've just started playing with building OpenSSL on MSYS2/MingW32, and am hittiing trouble when the compilation reaches crypto/dso. The configuration for mingw give the dso_scheme "win32", so it will try to build crypto/dso/dso_win32.c...
Set the"DOUBLE PRECISION"type to an 8 byte wide type. Do nothing if this is already the default. If-fdefault-real-8is given,"DOUBLE PRECISION"would instead be promoted to 16 bytes if possible, and-fdefault-double-8can be used to prevent this. The kind of real constants like"1.d0"wi...
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new ...