Google Scholar Chunqiu Zuozhuan 春秋左傳 Google Scholar Guanzi 管子 Google Scholar Guoyu 國語 Google Scholar Hanfeizi 韓非子 Google Scholar Huainanzi 淮南子 Google Scholar Liji 禮記 Google Scholar Lüshichunqiu 呂氏春秋 Google Scholar Mawangdui Laozi B “Cheng” 馬王堆漢墓帛書‧老子乙本...
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(甚至无法搜到他的google scholar学术主页)再上一篇是2018年的scientific reports。 XX最近的paper是2021年的通讯,一作也并非浙大学生,说明不是他自己实验室的东西吧? 想要早点毕业也要考虑时间问题吧…阅读全文 赞同172 条评论 分享收藏喜欢...
Article Google Scholar Wang ZM. Jiangxi Dazhi. Hong Kong: Cheng Wen Publishing Company; 1989. (in Chinese). Google Scholar Zhou GX. X-ray diffraction analysis of ancient mural pigments. In: Wang JR, editor. A century of Dunhuang studies in China. Gansu: Gansu Culture Publishing House; ...
Der taoistische Kanon in seiner heutigen Fassung, die in verschiedenen Editionen aus Taiwan und der VR China vorliegt, geht auf kaiserliche Editionsanweisungen (Ming-Dynastie, 15./16. Jh.) zurück. Der Kanon enthält 1487 Einzeltitel, deren Urheber vielfach unbekannt sind. In manchen Fäl...
[Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Litscher, M. Jane Jacobs: The Death and Life of Great American Cities; Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden: Wiesbaden, Germany, 2016; pp. 367–394. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Olwig, K.R. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space; University of Wisconsin Press: ...
翻开Google scholar发现这已经是自己出道科研的第四个年头了,四年过去,也不敢说自己在科研里有多深的理解多大的成就,但回头看看整个旅程,只能说真的感受到了高中作文中经常提到的一句话“时代潮流浩…阅读全文 赞同540 21 条评论 分享收藏 赞同了文章2025-01-06 10:04 公司要训练一个70B...
Google Scholar Profile Honors and Awards: Top Technical Advances, The Scientist (2018) Material Research Society Graduate Student Award (2015) Top 10 World Changing Ideas, Scientific American (2015) Most Notable Chemistry Research Advances, Chemical & Engineering News (2015) ...
& Cheng, Z. Upregulation of TLR4 via PKC activation contributes to impaired wound healing in high-glucose-treated kidney proximal tubular cells. PLoS ONE 12, e178147 (2017). Article Google Scholar Li, Q., Duan, J., Wang, H. & Tao, Z. Effect of Qidengmingmu capsule on protein ...
Anne E. McLaren, The Chinese Femme Fatale: Stories from the Ming Period, University of Sydney East Asian Series Number 8, Australia: Wild Peony, 1994. 102 pages, $22.95 ISBN 0 646 14924 5. In The Chinese Femme Fatale: Stories from the Ming Period,...