In This ArticleExpand or collapse the "in this article" sectionMing Dynasty Introduction Introductory Works Guide to Sources and Scholarship Annotated and Translated Primary Sources Collections of Source Materials Specialized Journals Emperors and Court Politics ...
However, the challenges of translation, the influence of various theoretical frameworks, and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration all contribute to the ongoing evolution of how the Ming Dynasty is represented and understood through the lens of the English language. The task of...
2.Theofficialtitlesareprincipallyfromtwosources-(1)manualidentificationbytheproject teamchieflyfromZhangTingyu’s“MingShi”(HistoryofMing),LiDongyang’s“DaMing HuiDian”(CollectedStatuesoftheMingDynasty),andHucker's“ADictionaryofOfficial TitlesinImperialChina”,and(2)text-miningbytheCBDB(ChinaBiographicalDa...
According to the Ming-Dynasty Jiangnan agronomist Ma Yilong 马一龙, “there are two [types of] methods of increasing soil fertility: those that take effect through human efforts include irrigation, hoeing out weeds, and making f ields and reed-beds;72 and those that take effect through the...
The Ming dramaturgy was greatly improved through the collective efforts of many professionals and enthusiasts.;All three theatre worlds during the Ming dynasty-- court theatre, private theatre, and public theatre, each generally separated one from the other--are covered in this dissertation. Some ...
is one generally associated with official Ming Dynasty maps. The use of this specific title was in fact punishable by death under the Qinq. All of this suggest that the map was drawn from official Ming sources secreted into Japan by Chinese exiles fleeing Qing influence. The primary source is...
Ryōi did not identify his supplementary sources, but much of the additional material came from two Ming-dynasty sources: Yan Maoyou’s Diji lu (Record of gaining good fortune, 1634) and Yiyuan Zongben’s Guiyuan zhizhi ji (Pointing directly to the return to the origin, 1553; X.61, no...
The primary sources for the compilation were official documents like the veritable records of the Ming Mingshilu 明实录, archival material, the so-called dibao 邸报 "Peking gazette", a local history of the imperial capital, the Da-Ming huidian 大明会典 "Statutes of the Great Ming", memorials...
The primary sources for the compilation were official documents like the veritable records of the Ming Mingshilu 明实录, archival material, the so-called dibao 邸报 "Peking gazette", a local history of the imperial capital, the Da-Ming huidian 大明会典 "Statutes of the Great Ming", memorials...
Due to the decrease of dougong in size in the Ming dynasty, polychrome painting began to be placed on beams. Xuanzi polychrome painting, which originated from painting beams under the Yuan dynasty, became the primary type. By the Qing dynasty, Hexi polychrome painting and Suzhou polychrome ...