Sediments of Time: Environment and Society in Chinese History, Cambridge University Press 1998, pp.50). Xu Guangqi leveled the following criticism against dense transplanting: “The way in which people today make use of seeds is to plant more than a dou per mu, to [trans]plant densely but ...
Since the Song dynasty the official bibliographic monographs referenced an independent category of works generally translated as “encyclopedias” (leishu類書, lit. “books topically arranged”), a classification developed by the...
21 Hubei Provincial Museum: ZHONGGUO ZHANDOU: KANGRI ZHANZHENG SHIQI MUKE ZHAN. China Battles: An Exhibition of Anti-Japanese War Woodcuts. 中國戰鬥 : 抗日戰爭時期木刻展. Beijing, 2015. 199 pp. B/w plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Wrappers. £60.00 Catalogue of an exhibition at the Hubei ...