of Queensland is an international leader in the chemical engineering field and its resource ...
ABARES : Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences This research is aimed at analyzing the prospects for implementing major energy projects in the Russian Arctic and developing proposals for effective transport and transit support for the export of hydrocarbons and other miner...
Minerals and Energy安理律师事务所是一家专注于高端商事法律业务的综合性律师事务所。安理拥有70余名合伙人和300多名法律专业人员。客户包括大中型国有企业、上市公司、高科技、外资企业、及政府和公共事业单位,涉及投资、金融、保险、TMT、IT、航空、电力、医药、高端制
Several African countries, particularly those with substantial mineral deposits, are marked by low economic progress and unstable institutions. This study aims to explore the effects of mineral resource rents and renewable energy consumption on real economic growth across eight countries in the East and...
Perspectives on resource policy modelling: energy and mineralsDepartamentos HospitalaresPanamá###Base de dadosdoi:10.1016/0307-904X(83)90014-8DAVILA, C.JELSEVIERApplied Mathematical Modelling
Editorial: Microbial Biominerals: Toward New Functions and Resource Recovery The ever-increasing environmental problems and energy challenges have called urgent demand for utilizing green,efficient,and sustainable energy,thus promot... LC Staicu,ED Van Hullebusch,C Ackerson - 《Frontiers in Microbiolog...
Greenland seeks to expand its energy and minerals industries to secure the revenues to gain full independence from Denmark. The 2014 oil price crash hit oil exploration hard, bringing disappointment to the local oil industry but relief to global environmentalists. Poor public consultation on mining...
Home>Chemical Encyclopedia>Chemical Resource>Chemical Foreign Periodical> Minerals & Energy - Raw Materials Report Previously called Journal of Mineral Policy, Business and Environment - Raw Materials Report, Minerals & Energy - Raw Materials Report is an international journal that emphasizes new developmen...
International Academy of Energy, Minerals and Materials (IAEMM) IAEMM a Professional Development Academy Scientific Events/Conferences Through its annual events, IAEMM provides opportunities for the exchange of information that enhances the professional and the industry. These events are designed for anyon...
Analysis or comprehensive phase quantification of raw materials, mineral and rare earths as well as solutions for the analysis of fuel and energy sources help to increase productivity, optimize processes and improve end products.