美[ˈmɪn(ə)rəl] 英['mɪn(ə)rəl] n.矿物;〈口〉矿石;【化】无机物 adj.矿物(性)的;含矿物的;无机的 网络矿物质;矿产;矿产品 复数:minerals 搭配 同义词 反义词 adj.+n. mineral density,mineral exploration,mineral resource,mineral wealth,mineral bath ...
Mineralsin general are not nearly so well absorbed as other nutrients. 总体来说,矿物质远远不如其他营养成分好吸收。 柯林斯例句 Lonrho's mining andmineralsbusinesses showed some improvement. 朗荷公司的采矿及矿产业务有了些起色。 柯林斯例句 the exploitation ofmineralsand other natural resources ...
minerals是什么意思、minerals怎么读 读音:英['mɪnərəlz] 美['mɪnərəlz] minerals 基本解释 n. 矿物质;矿物;矿产, 矿产品(mineral的复数) minerals 词性变化 原型:mineral 词组短语 1、everydayminerals日常矿物质 2、metallicminerals金属态矿物质;金属矿物 ...
Mineralogy is a large field, as there are hundreds of types of minerals on Earth. As it is difficult to categorize them explicitly, here are three main categories under which it is possible to gather most of the minerals. Rare Earth Elements ...
1 :of or relating tominerals also:inorganic 2 :impregnated with mineral substances More from Merriam-Webster onmineral Nglish:Translation ofmineralfor Spanish Speakers Britannica.com:Encyclopedia article aboutmineral Last Updated: 16 Mar 2025
公司简介Minerals Technologies Inc.是一家资源和技术为基础的公司,开发,生产,并在全球范围内销售了广泛的特种矿物,矿物基和合成矿物制品及配套系统和服务。在2014年5月9日, 公司收购AMCOL国际公司(“AMCOL”)。作为收购AMCOL的结果,该公司有五个报告分部:特种矿物,耐火材料,高性能材料,施工技术和能源服务相比,前两三...
今天小佩给大家介绍一本地学领域下的矿物学期刊---涵盖矿物学、矿物地球化学和地质年代学、经济矿产资源、矿产勘探、创新采矿技术和矿物加工进步等广泛领域的期刊《Minerals》。 Minerals是一本国际开放获取期刊,在该期刊中,发表评论、定期研究论文和简短的笔记。我们的目标是鼓励科学家尽可能详细地发表他们的观察、分析...
Mineralogy is a large field, as there are hundreds of types of minerals on Earth. As it is difficult to categorize them explicitly, here are three main categories under which it is possible to gather most of the minerals. Rare Earth Elements ...
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