Color Typically red, but can be orange, green, yellow, purple, black, or brown. Blue garnets are extremely rare. Streak Colorless Luster Vitreous Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Cleavage None Mohs Hardness 6.5 to 7.5 Specific Gravity 3.5 to 4.3 Diagnostic Properties Hardness, specific gravity...
Streak Platefor testing a mineral’s streak color. Magnetto test magnetic rocks such as Magnetite, Pyrrhotite, and Nickel-Iron Meteorite. An attractive,molded plastic case to withstand rugged use. Hardness Tablefor 300 Minerals. CompleteInstructions. ...
Streak Golden, yellow. Luster Metallic, without tarnish. Diaphaneity Opaque Cleavage None Mohs Hardness 2.5 to 3 Specific Gravity 19.3 when pure. Specific gravity decreases as gold naturally alloys with silver, copper or other metals. Diagnostic Properties Color, hardness, streak, specific gravity, du...
man-made organic random composition ESRT Mineral Chart Click Here Key Concept #3 The Main Physical Properties Used to Identify Minerals Color a poor indicator minerals can be multiple colors many minerals are the same color Key Concept #3 The Main Physical Properties Used to Identify Minerals ...
themineralsin Part 2 of this worksheet. An example of how to fill out the chart is illustrated below. Recorded Observations forMinerals1–7 Tests ExampleMineral1Mineral2Mineral3Mineral4Mineral5Mineral6Mineral7 Color White Gold Green White Pink White White Black Streak White Black White White White...
Streak the powder form of a mineral more reliable than color The Main Physical Properties Used to Identify Minerals Luster how light reflects off a mineral metallic non-metallic looks like a metal looks earthy, waxy, greasy or brilliant Cleavage The Main Physical Properties Used to Identify ...
Valuable spodumene gems of any color should be stored away from direct light.Uses of Lithium: Lithium has many diverse uses. This chart shows estimated global uses of lithium by end product. It is mainly used in manufacturing rechargeable batteries, ceramics, specialty glass, high-temperature ...
Color Dark green, black, brown Streak White to gray to very pale green. Augite is often brittle, breaking into splintery fragments on the streak plate. These can be observed with a hand lens. Rubbing the debris with a finger produces a gritty feel with a fine white powder beneath. Luste...
Most industrial-grade diamonds are brown, yellow, gray, green and black crystals that lack the color and clarity to be a nice gem. Streak Diamond is harder than a streak plate. Its streak is known as "none" or "colorless" Luster Adamantine - the highest level of luster for a nonmetallic...