公司名称Mineral Resources Ltd 成立日期2006 所属市场ASX 员工数量8456 年结日06-30 公司地址20 Walters Drive Osborne Park 城市珀斯 国家澳大利亚 邮编6017 电话+61 893293600 网址 股份登记处COMPUTERSHARE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LIMITED Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, ...
矿产资源公司(ASX:MIN)表示,位于澳洲西部的昂斯洛铁矿项目预计将在2026财年第一季度达到每年3500万吨的产能,具体情况在周五公布。 MT Newswires03/03 09:47 矿产资源回应ASX关于半年业绩的查询;股价下跌7% 矿产资源(ASX:MIN)回应了来自澳大利亚证券交易所的信件,澄清其半年营业收入和利润的下降预计不会对其分享产生实质...
Everyone needs to understand the multiple roles of minerals and metals in support of individual well-being and realise their strategic importance, while supporting all the efforts needed to develop greater resources circularity, through multiple possible actions such as the eco-efficient production of ...
PlatinaResourcesLimited(“TheCompany”)announcesanupdatedInferredMineralResourceforthe100%owned SkaergaardGold&PGMProject(“Skaergaard”)inGreenland(Figure1).AtotalInferredResourceof23Mt@2.3g/t gold,0.7g/tpalladium&0.1g/tplatinumhasbeenestimatedusinga1.5g/tgoldequivalentcut-off.TheInferred Resourcewasestima...
Reserves. Estimated Inferred Mineral Resources are excluded from the mine plan and production target estimates.These estimates of Ore Reserves were reported in the Table 1 Release and have been prepared by Competent Persons in accordance with the requirements of the JORC Code and the ASX Listing ...
Aura Energy Limited (ASX: AEE, AIM: AURA) ("Aura" or "theCompany") is pleased to provide an update on the Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the Tiris Uranium Project ("Tiris" or the "Project") in Mauritania. The drilling program undertaken in 2024 has delivered a major increase ...
Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore reserves’. Daniel Howe consents to the inclusion in the report of matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces ...
The important monitoring role that boards play influences how firms allocate resources. Proactive organisations who engage with their stakeholders on environmental matters such as climate risk, and have independent boards, tend to perform at a higher level in relation to corporate social responsibility (...