Howexpensivecanitbeto stick someseaweedextract,mineraloil,glycerine, plantoils,mineralsandvitaminsintoajar? 将海藻萃取液、矿物油、甘油、植物油、矿物质和维生素塞在瓶子里能有多贵啊? 3. They say thewaxcanbesoftenedwithmineraloil,glycerinoreardrops.Theysayhydrogen peroxideorcarbamideperoxide...
1.They say the wax can be softened withmineral oil, glycerin , or ear drops.They say high drungy procidehydrogen peroxide, or carbomite peracidcarbamide peroxide may also help. 1.他 示耳垢可以用矿物 、甘 或滴耳液软 , 水或 尿素也同样有用。
This past year the new growth has been coming in with more oil and not so dry. - For a year or so my ankles would swell up and I had to wear compression socks on the plane, but this cleared up for the last two years. - I passed a kidney stone a few years ago. - Moles have...
Mineral oil, also known as paraffin oil, is a byproduct of petroleum. Commonly used for removing makeup, mineral oil can also...