MANGANESE dioxide in appreciable amounts has been found in the vicinity of active hot and cold springs in several localities in Japan. A mineral spring near Komagadake, Hokkaido, is especially interesting, because manganese dioxide is found in the process of deposition. We have examined the mech...
To evaluate the importance of substratum surface reactivity for solute adsorption in a natural setting, samples of iron-rich sediment were collected from three different springs; two of the springs were acid-sulfate-chloride (ASC) in composition, while the third was neutral-chloride (NC). At one...
Locality: Hot Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas. Measures: 17.5 cm by 11.8 cm by 10.2 cm in total size. Ex. Hines Mineral Collection Fair Market Value $1450 * Our Suggested Reserve Price Level - $785 Minimum Increment - $25Highest Bid or Offer Time Date Location Enter Your Best Offer!Item...
precious, and rare metals in the European part of the Tethyan metallogenic belt, where numerous porphyry and epithermal prospects with an exotic mineralogy and element enrichment have been found (Moritz and Baker2019; Richards2015; Voudouris et al.2019). The northward subduction and ...
The addition of fillers to the organic resin increases the modulus and the load needed to propagate a crack [75,76] as they can act like little springs, making crack propagation difficult. The presence of nanocrystals formed during the curing of the adhesive layer, due to dissolution and ...