Northern Ontario leads the nation with communities dependent on diesel-generated electricity 3. Power capacity limits community growth and results in community social, health and environmental challengesStephen LindleyCI Energy Group s 4th Annual Ontario Power: Calgary, AB, April 14-15, 2015...
Waste plastics recycling include mechanical (material) recycling, and pyrolysis or feedstock recycling: Land filling results in no net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, no GHG benefits and a waste of valuable resources [4]. Mechanical recycling corresponds to the reprocessing of plastic ...
1. Introduction Societies are constantly making efforts towards making the most effective use of their social and economic development. Improving the quality of life largely depends on mineral resources, as it involves, e.g., urbanization, the development of road and sewage systems, etc. Therefore...
This is practically important for the analyses of ore samples and recovery processing of ore mineral resources. It should be taken into account that the behavior of indicative trace elements of variable valence like REE are dependent not only on physicochemical varieties (T, P, fO2) but on the...
The FA was also supplied in bulk and came from the coal power plant of Andorra-Teruel (Teruel, Spain). Regarding MD, it came from a refuse dump in Novelda (Alicante, Spain) that accumulates the waste from various local industries. RHA originated in an energy recovery plant that uses rice...