Hence, we propose a portable setup for the automatic mineral identification of gemstones based on a custom‐built 405nm Raman spectroscopy probe system. This device enables the noninvasive mineral identification of commonly encountered loose or mounted gemstone materials in the market and generates the...
Known as the ‘Golden State’, California has named Gold as its state metal, Serpentine as the State rock and Benitoite as the State gemstone. This talk will feature benitoite, lapis lazuli and vesuvianite. Our presenter will be Geologist Walter Lombardo of the Nevada Mineral & Book Company....
The hardness stone directory chart for most common minerals is a must appreciated bonus. A.S., Montreal Canada Alain Simard on Jun 1st 2018 Mohs hardness tester for Mineral identification. I first heard of this from a friend who has had one for some time. He uses it frequently and says...