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Ethereum miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support is one of the Top Open Source Projects on GitHub that you can download for free. In this particular project, there has been a total of 12,369 commits which were done in 7 branches with 12 release(s) by 83 contributor(s). The proje...
The Nerdminer is an esp32 programmed for crypto mining and specifically the sha-256 algorithm. All currencies with this algo can be mined, it only consumes 2 ultra-quiet watts, no heat. The creator and developer is bitmaker his work is open source I put his link here https://github.co...
the moderators on discord that help beginners and advanced are extremely well versed in the crypto and the associated hardwares, I once had a moderator help me over the course of 3 hours until we figured the issue out. The program is easy to use even for beginners, I've never found anyt...
The above configuration instructs the malware to download additional cryptomining-related payloads from the following URLs: hxxps://github[.]com/dwadaxwad/dvsv/releases/download/sdv/WatchNew.exe hxxps://github[.]com/dwadaxwad/dvsv/releases/download/sdv/xmrig.exe...
2021-11-19T09:30:47.319 INFO filcrypto::proofs::api > generate_window_post: finish 2021-11-19T09:30:47.325Z INFO storageminer storage/wdpost_run.go:1068 fake_post:: computing window post {"batch": 0, "elapsed": 831.433699603} ...
Xanthe - a Docker-aware crypto miner The attempt belongs to a relatively unknown crypto mining botnet, which we will call Xanthe, based on the file name of the main spreading script. When investigating open-source information, we found earlier samples of the bot on VirusTotal detected by a ve...
The GitVenom campaign: cryptocurrency theft using GitHub StaryDobry ruins New Year’s Eve, delivering miner instead of presents Take my money: OCR crypto stealers in Google Play and App Store No need to RSVP: a closer look at the Tria stealer campaign ...
statisticsmonitorminingminerantminerbitmainbitmaintechcryptomining UpdatedNov 11, 2019 Rust 波卡系矿工工具 (substrate miner tools) toolsminersubstratepolkadot UpdatedMar 10, 2023 Rust Github archive tool written in rust gitminerempiricalgithut UpdatedJul 9, 2021 ...