1) Min Enze 闵恩泽(1924~ )2) Pu Enshɑo 蒲恩绍(1924~1968)3) Cheng Enze 程恩泽 1. Cheng Enze Poetics Effect on Zhengzhen; 程恩泽诗论对郑珍的影响 2. Between Daoguang and Xianfeng yeas, the tai\'ge poets Cheng Enze and Qi Junzao preferred to follow the poems of Song Dynasty...
This special issue is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Enze Min at Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,Sinopec. Professor Enze Min was born in 1924 in Chengdu,Sichuan Province.He obtained his B.S.degree from National Central University in 1946 and received his Ph.D.degree ...
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A bestseller,Willpower:Rediscovering Our Greatest Strength,suggests that willpower(意志力)is the ability to make decisions that are better for us in the long term,rather than in the short term. Here is a famous experiment in the book The Marshmallow Test.In 1972,Professor Walter ...
Preface to Special Issue of Chinese Journal of Catalysis in honor of the 90th birthday of Professor Enze Min《催化学报》以本期专刊的出版庆祝闵恩泽院士九十华诞. 闵恩泽院士是?007?年度中国国家最高科学技术奖获得耿 被誉为"我国炼油催化应用科学的奠基亿 石油化工技术自主创新的先行耿 绿色化学的开拓者?