刷怪箱(Monster Spawner)是一种透明,拥有蓝色格子的方块。它多数出现在地牢中,作用是守护地牢里的宝物。在它内部有细小的火焰,还有它所生成的怪的旋转缩小模型。就算它不发光,它内部的模型还是会越转越快,直到生成怪物。刷怪箱的有效范围是周围4格,只要亮光低于7,周围的范围足够,它就会不停地刷怪。只要玩家在...
If you combine all mobs found in the cave biomes in the mob farm, you will yield many items besides XP, which are useful, especially early on in the game. These items can be found in the table below:Cave Mobs Drops Skeleton 0–1 Arrow 0–2 Bone Bow Random Armor Zombie 0...
They do not spawn from the zombie monster spawner. Wandering traderA wandering trader.Main article: Wandering TraderWandering traders are passive mobs that spawn randomly close to the player in both editions, or periodically in village gathering sites in Bedrock Edition. Wandering traders also spawn ...
While visiting the first, you'll be able to explore a large cavern containing a zombie spawner! It's the perfect place to set up an easy experience farm so that you can enchant weapons and armor in order to take on the Ancient City. Once the first city is looted, the second can be...
To learn more about how blocks function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Block JSON DocumentationList of Blocks展开表 Name minecraft:acacia_button minecraft:acacia_door minecraft:acacia_double_slab minecraft:acacia_fence minecraft:acacia_fence_gate minecraft:acacia_hanging_sign...
Exposed Cave Spider Spawner 2:457, 398Pillager Outpost:-648, -1,000 12 - Blacksmith Town's Cavern Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Seed:-5806408227098751164 Bedrock players have the fortune of a Blacksmith village near the Spawn cavern in this seed. The Blacksmith's chest contains a few iron ...
A question or future idea regarding the generators (Mobs spawner), the ones in structures/dungeons, that generate the mob they have inside, I wanted to know if this feature would apply, for example that there is light level 6 for example (or light level 0 to 7) and that the mob genera...
Block Component "redstone_conductivity" not functional in Bedrock 1.21.41 #925 openedOct 28, 2024bymarcuscarausius Minecraft Live 2022 Sample Pack has a End biome? #916 openedAug 21, 2024bygtbot2007 Setting thevalueproperty of theEntityScaleComponentclass has no practical effect. ...
7 bedrock -218 bee_nest 500 bee_spawn_egg 273 beef -219 beehive 285 beetroot 295 beetroot_seeds 286 beetroot_soup -206 bell -323 big_dripleaf 380 birch_boat -141 birch_button 655 birch_chest_boat 566 birch_door -810 birch_double_slab -576 birch_fence 184 birch...
Monster spawner traps Allay Animals Axolotl Blaze Cat Cave spider Creeper Drowned Ender dragon Enderman Frog Goat Guardian Hoglin Iron golem Magma cube Phantom Piglin bartering farm Raid Shulker Slime Squid Turtle Villager Wandering trader Warden Witch Wither Wither skeleton Zombie Zombie villager Zombifie...