646 会玩鞘翅的人一定很喜欢一直花式飞行😎 拔刀剑不用多说了,实际使用感跟开无双差不多🥵 XP From Harvest Reworked https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xp-from-harvest-reworked Day Counter https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/day-counter Do a Barrel Roll https://legacy....
│ xaeros_waystones_compability-1.0.jar │ XPFromHarvest-1.20.1-1.2.3.jar │ YungsApi-1.20-Forge-4.0.3.jar │ yuushya-1.20.1-forge-2.1.1.jar │ [AI改进] AI-Improvements-1.20-0.5.2.jar │ [Alex 的生物] alexsmobs-1.22.6.jar │ [JEI工作方块] JustEnoughProfessions-forge-1.20.1-3.0....
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) [Main.class:?]at sun.reflect.NativeMethod...
XP From Harvest(ReaIGecko提供) BdLib(通過bdew) RandomTweaks(由TheRandomLabs提供) ForgeEndertech(EnderLanky撰寫) 棲息地(timrwood攝) 附魔說明(由DarkhaxDev撰寫) 烹飪傻瓜(BlayTheNinth) 儲物櫃附加件(Texelsaur提供) 紅色項目-基礎(由MrTJP提供) MTLib(作者Jaredlll08) 沉浸式石油(亞麻鬍鬚) SwingThrough...
-Xp from harvest -yoyos (+ tinker addon) Credit for the disc 11 resourcepack to LilBoom over herehttps://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/lil-boom-already-dead-disc-11-replacement Suggested world setting for better experience are -lost cities(BiomesOPlenty) realistic- and -lost cities...
"name": "xp-from-harvest" }, { "id": 229080, "name": "morph" }, { "id": 548647, "name": "tiny-skeletons-forge" }, { "id": 554065, "name": "no-recipe-advancements" }, { "id": 411557, "name": "tooltipfix" }, { "id": 237754, "name": "zombie-awareness" }, { "...
The harvest consists Experience Orbs! The amount of experience given using shears on a full grow plant is in range from 3 to 19, 11 on average. Since version 1.2 you cannot use bonemeal to force experience to mature. Now you can use bonemeal on plants until they grow, but the experienc...
• DO NOT HARVEST PLANTS OR ANIMALS OF ANY KIND from a member’s farm or property without their permission. • Breaking or placing a block of any sort, and/or changing the property of another player’s claimed area in any way, is considered griefing. • Building too close to another...
QDResLoader Quilt Kotlin Libraries (QKL) Quilt Standard Libraries Quilt Loading Screen Reacharound Reese's Sodium Options RightClickHarvest Simple Durability Tooltip Simple Fog Control Skip Transitions Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ Snow Under Trees (Fabric) Sodium Extra Sodium Starlight (Fabric) Status Effect...
Silk Touch– Will allow you to harvest leaf blocks from trees. Very useful if you need leaves forbuilding gardens in Minecraftor even a treehouse! Other Enchantments Some of these enchantments are possible but that would beg the question of why?! There’s not really a need to put mending ...