Do you want to easily farm mobs for their experience and items but you don't want to stand there hitting them all the time? This addon adds new blocks that will make it easy to farm mobs! With this addon you can push mobs using the fan and damage them using the grinders. The grinde...
From granting XP drops to brushing to adding several new archaeological structures to explore and even tuff podiums to display your stuff, there's a lot packed into a small mod. The coolest part of the mod has to be the new relic items you can find via archaeology, which can give you ...
It's time to farm a little bit of everything! Contributing Thank you for visiting the repository! If you'd like to contribute with the mod, feel free to check the wiki for more details, or take a look at the issues page! I am open to constructive feedback about the mod's code: ...
Repair Mode- Swaps damaged items with Mending on them to the player's hand, allowing automatically repairing them while standing in an XP farm Shulker Box Display- Renders the contents of Shulker Boxes (and also all other vanilla blocks with inventories) while hovering over the item and holding...
von TheAdubbz The Missing Villages von bigreefer420 The Twilight Forest von Benimatic Tofu Delight von bagu_chan500 TofuCraftReload von sz0999312 Ultimate Car Mod von henkelmax Untitled Duck Mod (Forge) von Okabintaro XP Tome von bl4ckscor3...
That will be better if u could add zombie recipe because it's easy to farm for XP the crafting will be like ∆=rotten flesh / 0= spider eye (or if u have sumtin better ) ∆∆∆ ∆0∆ ∆∆∆ 🧡 1 Lix' May 19, 2021 at 11:31 am Could you add a spawner re...
[5 Milion Downloads YAY] A Minecraft Mod that adds single block mob farms that generates mob drops passively. - linxuanm/TinyMobFarm
Tiny Mob Farm Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 adds single-block size mob farms that makes mob farming neater and easier. (This mod adds different tiers of single-block size mob farms that generate mob loots over time. Different tiers of mob farms have different speed; the Wooden Mob Farm is the lowes...
*服务器名称:穷途战争服务器 *服务器类型:战争服务器 *服务器版本:1.12.2 *服务器规模:中小型MOD服 *服务器人数:2020 *服务器模组:Flan全家桶『二战枪械,现代枪械,德系武器,日系武器,美系武器,英系武器,俄 系武器,僵尸末日扩充包,二战载具,现代战争载具,未来机甲扩充包 』 、真实环境音效模拟、动态光源、内存...
Tiny Mob Farm is a mod that, at the time of writing this, hasn’t even been out for a week but it’s already been downloaded over 2000 times which is quite