使用方法:新建文本文档,将以下文本复制粘贴保存,将文本文档重命名为zh_cn,并将后缀修改为.json,以压缩包打开方式打开模组Xaeros_Minimap_23.5.0_Fabric_1.19.4.jar,将得到的zh_cn.json文件添加进其assets/xaerominimap/lang/目录下,完成。 有需要汉化的模组可以留言或私信,提供无偿服务但是不一定能面面俱到,毕竟...
简洁好用的地图显示《模组百鉴2》 #我的世界#minecraft 模组名称:Xaero's Minimap / Xaero's World Map(小地图/世界地图)演示版本:1.20.1-NeoForge_47.1.106 适用版本: - 阿猪_233于20241018发布在抖音,已经收获了11.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
There are many Minimap options for Minecraft but few are as clean as Xaero’s. It has a very minimal interface and blends well with the overall Minecraft aesthetic. You can set waypoints manually and even deathpoints will be created automatically if you die. And it’s also very customizable...
The Xaero’s Minimap mod was released in 2017 byxaero96on CurseForge, which obtained over 37 million downloads. The mod supports Minecraft Forge 1.7.10 to 1.19 and Fabric 1.14.4 to 1.19 versions and is mainly client-sided, but can be installed on the server too. There are tons of settin...
我的世界1.21.1-1.7.10迷你地图 Xaero’s Minimap Mod下载 2024年9月24日MOD大全0 迷你地图 Xaero’s Minimap Mod由作者“xaero96”所制作,是一款非常不错的小地图mod,该mod的材质与外观和MC保持同样的风格。 MOD特点 两种色彩:原版-使用原版材质包中方块的颜色;精确-使用材质包中方块的颜色 … ...
Xaeros_Minimap_20.15.0_Forge_1.14.4.jar Supported Versions 1.14.4 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:xaeros-minimap-263420:2987292") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that...
Byxaero96 BetaB Mar 26, 2024 1.38 MB 71.2K 1.20.4 Quilt Fabric + 1 File Name Xaeros_Minimap_24.0.3_Fabric_1.20.4.jar Supported Versions 1.20.4 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:xaeros-minimap...
Xaero's Minimap(汉化) 小地图,提供作为一个小地图它该有的功能(废话),可在“控制”中进行设置按键绑定以打开设置GUI 与VoxelMap不同的是,Xaero's Minimap拥有更多且更强的功能设置(美中不足的是没有像VoxelMap那样的全屏大地图) 相关链接https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv11613668 ...
Check out this awesome project bybabybluetit, if you want to have a look at a real implementation of custom icons or actually use it:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/xaeros-minimap-modded-support How do I prohibit the use of cave mode and/or entity radar on my server?
That’s where Xaero’s Minimap steps in, providing a reliable and intuitive solution to help you find your way and make the most out of your adventures. One of the standout features of Xaero’s Minimap is its ability to seamlessly integrate a minimap into your game HUD. Gone are the ...