minecraft国际版最新版本2025为玩家带来更多的自由冒险玩法,像素的游戏画风让喜欢像素游戏的玩家可以体验更多的乐趣,还有丰富的玩法和元素可以在游戏之中发现,玩家可以随时和更多好友一起玩。 minecraft国际服简介 minecraft国际版1.21正式服,探索无限世界,建造包括了从最简单的家园到最宏伟的城堡的一切。在带有无尽资源的创...
一、PE转PC存档,没电脑的同志请自行绕道,将你的手机连接到电脑,打开sdcard/games/com.mojiang/minecraftworlds/Toxicity(就以我的剧毒之伤存档为例)存档文件里应该包括三个文件,拥有修改器的同志则有四个文件。如果没有player.dat,请自行新建txt文档并且重命名player.dat。后缀名(注意:是隐藏后缀名)改为.dat文件 ...
- Added more informative error message when adding worlds.- Updated information in the "How to Play?" menu.- Eating an Apple slows down the character.- Fixed chat messages on the death screen.Technical Changes18 technical changes have been added for addon development and testing. ...
1. Fixed game crash while you launch certain worlds;2. Crash when trying to create a game world with a set of Tropical City Resort;3. The rest are small bugs due to which there were gameplay lags. [last version] Minecraft PE download Share Tweet Share ...
To get a Sniffer, the player will need to find an ancient egg. It has a feature to sniff the area and look for seeds of ancient plants Quote Please note that this is a beta version so save the game worlds before installing.Download Minecraft PE 1.20.15 Android...
It's been made for greater comfort in the game settings like in Android/iOS and Windows Phone (Windows 10). Every element and section of the menu was done in exactly this style. Menu worlds Minecraft Pocket Edition remained unchanged, but the interface create world MCPE was u...
Minecraft PE Changelog: Minecraft PE Changelog: Download available Minecraft PE 1.13 updates: Warning! You are not allowed to view this text. DownloadMinecraft PE 1.13.1 (Android) Download Minecraft PE 1.13.3 (iOS) Download Minecraft PE 1.13.1 (Win10) ...
Looking for Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher?Visit our Download page. We collect official download links fo PC, Android (Minecraft PE), Playstation, Xbox, Switch and other platforms. Worlds/saves from the Java PC/Mac version of Minecraft are not compatible with the Minecraft on Windows 10! Fre...
Restoring to Andriod can be done with the "My Files" application. Copy the folder from the backup location to the minecraftWorlds-folder. Or download and extract your backup-zipfile from Google Drive. Don't forget to delete the zipfile after extracting. ...
Minecraft PEseeds The main difference between the PC andPEversions is that the latter’s worlds are only 256 x 256 blocks in size, making it more difficult to create a variety of worlds for players. As of 2015, sharing seeds either through mobile or PC has been pretty much the same, bu...