基岩版使用了修改后的Google的LevelDB(Zlib压缩格式)来储存世界格式资料。 Mojang修改了谷歌的原始LevelDB以加入对Zlib压缩格式和Windows系统的支持。代码可以在Github页面访问,且编写指引由Tommaso在此处提供。 对于Java版的LevelDB + Zlib,请见此Github页面。 Google
As seen on the World-Wide Web!就像你在网上看到的那样! Rainbow unicorns!彩虹独角兽! Welcome to Illager Mansion!欢迎光临灾厄村民府邸! Stay out of the Nether!远离下界! Creeper Blood!苦力怕的血液! Talk to the hand!与手交谈! Psyche!灵魂! Woo, frosted tips!唷,frosted tips! Frosted...
hasLockedResourcePack:是否包含已经锁定的资源包。 immutableWorld:是否开启无World Builder权限玩家不能放置或破坏方块的世界。 isFromLockedTemplate:存档是否为锁定的模板世界。 isFromWorldTemplate:存档是否为世界模板。 isSingleUseWorld:教育版中是否为单学生游戏。 isWorldTemplateOptionLocked:该模板世界是否解锁全部选...
Introduces large ore veins to world generation adding more strategy to mining 将大型矿脉引入世界生成...
Go to the World Options menu and turn the Daylight cycle off if you don't want to work in the dark. Navigate over to the village near coordinates (-161, 68, 171). Hint: try using the grapple teleport (Move the cursor to a distant spot and press G) to get over there. Find a cl...
Fixed a bug that could cause Nether Portals to sometimes take players to wrong coordinates (MCPE-115933) 修复了一个玩家在使用下届传送门时可能会传送到错误的坐标上的漏洞 (MCPE-115933) Fixed split-screen players not able to rename items on Anvils (MCPE-108405) ...
Nether blocks now appear in the crafting grid if any other ingredient is unavailable 当任何其他的合成材料不可用时,会用下届岩替代在合成网格中 Fixed a wireless network connection error message that appeared when players were connected via a wired network ...
A collection of apps to help you find the best Minecraft seeds, and locate biomes and structures in your world on an interactive map.
when loading a converted world,unlessyou use MCASelector. This tool enables you to manually delete troublesome chunks containing water, bubble columns, smooth stone, Redstone Links and Nether Portal Links, en masse, saving you from having to manually re-edit those aspects of your world in ...
Ping Display – Part of Hud. Shows your ping to the server Direction Display – Part of Hud. Shows which direction you are facing Location Display – Part of Hud. Shows your coordinates Inverted Coords Display – Part of Hud. Shows nether coordinates ...