Birch Stairs 白桦木楼梯 Birch Trapdoor 白桦木活板门 Birch Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式白桦木告示牌 Birch Wall Sign 墙上的白桦木告示牌 Birch Wood 白桦木 Black Banner 黑色旗帜 Black Bed 黑色床 Black Candle 黑色蜡烛 Black Carpet 黑色地毯 Black Concrete 黑色混凝土 Black Concrete Powder 黑色混凝土粉...
Wood stairs drop themselves as items when broken with any tool, or with no tool, but an axe is fastest. Non-wood stairs drop themselves as items only if broken with a pickaxe. Compared to slabs, the hardness values (and thus, breaking time) of stairs better reflect the blocks they are...
· 将cherry_stairs添加到#wooden_stairs方块和物品标签中。 · 将cherry_trapdoor添加到#wooden_trapdoors方块和物品标签中。 · 将cherry_wall_hanging_sign添加到#wall_hanging_signs方块标签中。 · 将cherry_wall_sign添加到#wall_signs方块标签中。 · 将pink_petals添加到#inside_step_sound_blocks方块标签中。
You can make quartered, halved, or full sets of drawers in a variety of wood types, and it even displays the contents and capacity on the front. Neat freaks and the messy types can finally coexist with ease. How to install Minecraft mods How to install Minecraft mods We’ve thankfully ...
[locker] Action: to store items, two boxes and emissions increase storage space to become a large box Materials: wood Lumber wood Wood - wood = = = storage box X1 Lumber wood -- -- -- -- -- -- [mineral block] Action: save storage space, or be used for building... I dont ...
New types of fences for all the different types of woodDifferent types can connect to each otherOriginal fence renamed to oak fenceNew crafting recipe for fences to make this work: 2 sticks and 4 planks to make 3 fencesFence GateNew types of fence gates for all the different types of ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft jungle stairs (formerly called jungle wood stairs) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, jungle stairs are one of the many building blocks that you can make. The crafting process will
These data values refer to the different types of blocks, items and other features on Java Edition and are used in many places in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in chests and items dropped in the ...
Mangrove trees introduce a brand-new type of wood block to build with, the logs can be crafted into planks, stairs, buttons, slabs, fences, doors, signs, and pressure plates. You can also craft with the mangrove tree’s leaves, roots, and small saplings called propagules!
Mangrove Log and Stripped Mangrove Log 红树原木和去皮红树原木 Mangrove Wood and Stripped Mangrove Wood 红树木头和去皮红树木头 Mangrove Roots and Muddy Mangrove Roots 红树根和沾泥的红树根 Mangrove Boat, Button, Pressure Plate, Door, Trapdoor, Sign, Slab, Fence, Fence Gate, and Stairs ...