Our second pick is the wooden floor. This design is made of pretty much any kind of stripped wood, and it gives your structure a rustic feeling with a medieval vibe. One of the most fantastic things about the wooden floor is that its pattern was inspired by and based on a basket from ...
结构片段数据根标签。 EntryDoor:此房间入口门的类型。可以为OPENING(开放入口)、WOOD_DOOR(木门)、GRATES(铁栅栏)和IRON_DOOR(铁门)。 Type:表示房间的类型。0-2分别代表石柱房、喷泉房和楼梯房;3、4代表空房间。minecraft:shsd和minecraft:shstart此结构片段表示要塞中的旋转楼梯(StrongHold Stairs Down/...
方塊 放置方塊 dig.wood place 2.0 0.8 16 否 否 玩家 帶有摔落傷害時摔落在方塊上 fall.wood fall 0.4 1.0 16 否 否 玩家 在方塊上行走 step.wood step 0.12 1.0 16 否 否 方塊 在方塊上跳躍 jump.wood jump 0.12 1.0 16 否 否 方塊 在方塊上著陸 land.wood land 0.18 1.0 16 否 否 方塊 主世...
LWJGL 库升级为 3.3.1 版本 Banner patterns available in the Loom can now be controlled with tags (banner_pattern/no_item_required for no pattern item and banner_pattern/pattern_item/* for specific banner pattern items) 织布机中可用的旗帜图案现在可以用标签设定(banner_pattern/no_item_required 用...
Crafting recipe: iron ingots in a 2x2 pattern, yields one iron trapdoorBannerCan be worn as head gear - but only using commandsOver 4006 possible combinationsCrafted like a sign, just with one color of wool instead of planksCan be stacked to 16Most patterns are created by arranging dyes in...
The floor of this biome is coated with a thick layer of Mud 这个生物群系的地面覆盖着一层厚厚...
· trim_pattern定义了以下数据: · asset_id:纹理的命名空间ID,用于推断纹理存储位置及定位。 · template_item:锻造模板物品的命名空间ID,用于应用纹饰。 · description:文本组件,用于在悬停提示中显示纹饰名称。 · trim_material定义了以下数据: · asset_name:字符串,用作盔甲纹饰纹理位置的后缀。 · ingredien...
Added content error when parsing shaped recipes if none of the keys can be mapped to any of the pattern characters, this fixes a crash when opening the crafting screen with such malformed recipes (MCPE-178520) 在解析有序配方时,如果没有任何键可以映射到任何模式字符,则添加了错误提示,这修复了使...
Craft Stone Bricks by placing Stone blocks in a 2×2 pattern for a fancier look. Plan the castle layout with Stone Bricks, including a one-floor keep, two small stone towers, and a gate. Keep it cozy and simple for now.2. Small Moat CastleImage...
Tropical Fish 20 for preset pattern20 for random pattern n/a Bedrock spawn conditionsSee also: Simulation Distance The following rules apply to most mobs: Mobs spawn at a distance from the player that depends on the world's simulation distance: Simulation distance 4: between 24 and 44 blocks...