[Addon]DyingDayZ v1.3 死亡之日官方模组预告片 Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.12+ 03:23 [Addon]我的世界国产1.20国风甲胄V1.4.1模组(附下载链接)/基岩版Chinoiserie armor模组 05:16 [Addon]我的世界基岩版冰与火之歌V7汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版冰与火之歌IAF模组/我的世界手机国际版模组介绍 04:46 [...
[Addon]DyingDayZ v1.3 死亡之日官方模组预告片 Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.12+ 03:23 [Addon]我的世界国产1.20国风甲胄V1.4.1模组(附下载链接)/基岩版Chinoiserie armor模组 05:16 [Addon]我的世界基岩版冰与火之歌V7汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版冰与火之歌IAF模组/我的世界手机国际版模组介绍 04:46 [Addon...
Download Firewolf 3D Texture Pack for Minecraft... Gooblicraft Furni... Download Gooblicraft Furniture Mod for Minecraf... Mobs in Bottle Mo... Download Mobs in Bottle Mod for Minecraft PE: g... Version: 1.4.0 OS: Android Author: Mojang Publisher: Microsoft License: Free Xbox Live: +...
Gliding with an Elytra or unique mob actions (Ravager roaring, Wolf shaking, etc.) 用鞘翅滑翔或特殊的生物动作(劫掠兽吼叫、狼甩水等) Equipping gear 装备盔甲 Interacting with a mob 与生物互动 Mobs and players getting damaged 生物或玩家受到伤害 Consuming items (drinking and eating) 消耗物品(吃或...
Bedrock Edition: SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumeCollapsePitch Friendly Creatures Randomly mob.wolf.bark 1.0 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) Friendly Creatures Randomly mob.wolf.panting 1.0 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)Friendly CreaturesRandomly while with 9...
const wolf = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.Wolf, { x: targetLocation.x + 4, y: targetLocation.y + 2, z: targetLocation.z + 3, }); wolf.addEffect(MinecraftEffectTypes.Slowness, 10, { amplifier: 2, }); wolf.isSneaking = true; log("Created a sneaking wolf....
We present you with a new test version of the game for all users of Android devices, Minecraft Bedrock This is a new test update that Mojang introduced to us as a bug fix update. In general, about 17 different bugs were fixed in the new update. Let's look at the most ...
6[i18n] 自动汉化更新 (I18nUpdateMod) 7玉🔍 (Jade 🔍) 8[XWM] Xaero的世界地图 (Xaero's World Map) 9钠(Sodium) 10高级透视 (Advanced XRay) 11[JM] 旅行地图 (JourneyMap) 12[OE] 矿石挖掘 (Ore Excavation)魔改 我的世界我做主。 更多> [KL] KubeLoader 772 5 0 暂无物品~ [MBD2] Multi...
this issue is still ongoing and being looked into. Because of this, you may want to be cautious about playing until everything officially gets fixed. Luckily for players, you have the newly launchedMinecraftMarketplace Passand the not-too-far-off1.21 updatewith anew weaponandwolf ...
Wolf Armor now renders correctly when placed in Item Frames (MCPE-179564)现在狼铠可以在放置于物品...