107 - mob.wolf.death [狼死亡的声音] 108 - mob.wolf.growl [狼被激怒的声音] 109 - mob.wolf.howl [狼在月光下吼叫的声音] 110 - mob.wolf.hurt [狼被攻击的声音] 111 - mob.wolf.panting [狼呼吸的声音] 112 - mob.wolf.shake [狼抖动的声音] 113 - mob.wolf.step [意味不明] 114 - mob...
Vindicator 卫道士 Wandering Trader 流浪商人 Warden 监守者 Witch 女巫 Wither 凋灵 Wither Skeleton 凋灵骷髅 Wither Skull 凋灵之首 Wolf 狼 Zoglin 僵尸疣猪兽 Zombie 僵尸 Zombie Horse 僵尸马 Zombie Pigman 僵尸猪人 Zombie Villager 僵尸村民 这一期就到这里啦~大家是可以自己用也许未来还会更新吧记得三连哦本文...
When a player within 8 blocks holds meat or bones near a wolf, the wolf tilts its head as if to 'beg' for the food for 2 to 4 seconds. The behavior of pups is the same as tamed wolves. Pups have larger heads, similar to other animal babies. ...
加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Classic Gadget the Wolf Metsu the Lion/Kamen Rider Shogeki/Kamen Rider X Shogeki Neo the Hedgehog/Kamen Rider Neo Stalk the Scorpion/Kamen Rider Break Scorpion Shalam the Mobkey/Blazing Monkey Raider Razor the Shark Coral the Betta Pearly the Manta Ray Blade the Shark Pirates of the Wave Bit...
She concluded that Minecraft, despite (or perhaps, because of) its lower-end graphics, was a suitable environment for learning social and emotional skills (Ringland, Wolf, Faucett, Dombrowski, & Hayes, 2016). These conclusions are supported by recent evidence that children with autism are ...
4、32203321mi necraft:pist on活塞S3422min ecraft:pisto n_head活塞臂S3523min ecraft:wool羊毛SB3624mi necraft:pisto n_exte nsio n 移动的活塞臂 E3725min ecraft:yellow_flower蒲公英3826minecraft:red flower罂粟SB3927minecraft:brown mushroom棕色蘑菇4028minecraft:red mushroom红色蘑菇4129min ecraft:gold...
Gliding with an Elytra or unique mob actions (Ravager roaring, Wolf shaking, etc.) 用鞘翅滑翔或特殊的生物动作(劫掠兽吼叫、狼甩水等) Equipping gear 装备盔甲 Interacting with a mob 与生物互动 Mobs and players getting damaged 生物或玩家受到伤害 Consuming items (drinking and eating) 消耗物品(吃或...
Fixed a bug causing the Parrot’s head to always face the player while riding the player 修复了鹦鹉骑在玩家肩膀上时总是朝向玩家的问题。 Fixed bug causing player to take fall damage after getting into a Bed while falling (MCPE-153122) ...
MC-270648- Wolf armor with the curse of binding enchantment cannot be removed from wolves using shears in creative mode MC-270648- 带有绑定诅咒魔咒的狼铠无法被创造模式下的玩家使用剪刀从狼身上取下 MC-270679- Clicking on text with run_command can cause EncoderException and will exit to multiplaye...