/scoreboard 管理记分板的目标、玩家和队伍。 /seed 显示世界种子。 /setblock 将方块替换为其他方块。 /setidletimeout 设置无操作玩家被踢出的延时。 /setmaxplayers 设置可加入游戏的玩家数量上限。 /setworldspawn 设置世界出生点。 /spawnpoint 设置一个玩家的出生地点。 /spectate 使一个处于旁观模式的玩家旁观...
Witch Hut Finder Last Update:Jun 6, 2022(MC 1.19) Seed: Version: Hint: You can also drag and drop level.dat here! X:Z: Grid Lines How To Use Requirements Seed For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Witch Hut Finder, unless, of course, you want to...
{ int styp = Swamp_Hut; int mc = MC_1_18; uint64_t basecnt = 0; uint64_t *bases = NULL; int threads = 8; Generator g; StructureConfig sconf; getStructureConfig(styp, mc, &sconf); printf("Preparing seed bases...\n"); // Get all 48-bit quad-witch-hut bases, but ...
Witch Hut Buried Treasure Shipwreck Igloo Ocean Ruin Fossil Ravine Amethyst Geode Ancient City Nether and End End City Nether Fortress Ruined Portal Bastion End Gateway More Apps Seed Map An online map viewer that helps you find new Minecraft seeds and locate biomes, structures, slime chunks and ...
Witch Hut Buried Treasure Shipwreck Igloo Ocean Ruin Fossil Ravine Amethyst Geode Ancient City Nether and End End City Nether Fortress Ruined Portal Bastion End Gateway More Apps Seed Map An online map viewer that helps you find new Minecraft seeds and locate biomes, struct...
{ int styp = Swamp_Hut; int mc = MC_1_18; uint64_t basecnt = 0; uint64_t *bases = NULL; int threads = 8; Generator g; StructureConfig sconf; getStructureConfig(styp, mc, &sconf); printf("Preparing seed bases...\n"); // Get all 48-bit quad-witch-hut bases, but ...
Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wall Sign 墙上的金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wood 金合欢木 ...
* Date the seed is found * Coordinates for Structures, Nether Fortress, Stronghold End Portal, End City and Ship * Photos of the seed * Video of the seed starting from Spawn point. Tanisha Eileen's Youtube Tanisha's Build Ideas!
Gaseous Fluids:Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets Material Blacklist:Hides tool/bow materials in the 'Materials and You' book Offhand Shuriken:Suppresses special abilities of long swords and rapiers when shurikens are wielded in the offhand ...
Witch spawned in a swamp hut. Villager or zombie villager spawned in an igloo. Villager or animals spawned in a village. Zombie villager or animals spawned in a zombie village. Vindicator or evoker spawned in a woodland mansion. The entity is spawned in a raid.The...