✅ Minecraft Windows 10 Edition - No Sound:Hello, I purchased Minecraft for PC from the windows store. The game works fine but there is absolutely no sound. I have searched the internet for a...
Conflicting Sound options:Each game its own sound options and mechanisms which work in sync with options present in Windows. If there is any configuration in Windows which is not supported by the game, the sound will not be transmitted correctly. Minecraft is muted:Each application has its own ...
Environment: Windows 10. Java 1.8.0_241. Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Description Put the summary of the bug you're having here What I expected to happen was...: Sound should be playing during the game. What actually happened was...: There is no sound in the game at all. I ha...
playSound(soundId: string, soundOptions?: PlayerSoundOptions): void Plays a sound that only this particular player can hear. Parameters soundId: string soundOptions?: PlayerSoundOptions = null Additional optional options for the sound. Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode....
4. Click on Playing audio. Also refer: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/fix-sound-problems#v1h=tab01 Hope the information helps in resolving the issue related to the sound issue. Let us know if you need further assistance. We will be happy to help. Thank you. Krishna...
soundId:string location:Vector3 soundOptions?:WorldSoundOptions=null Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors. An error will be thrown if volume is less than 0.0. An error will be thrown if fade is less than 0.0. ...
Windows:%AppData%\.minecraft\assets\objects macOS:~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/assets/objects Linux:~/.minecraft/assets/objects Locating specific sound files Find the folderindexes, which is found under the sameassetsfolder asobjects, where the sound files are indexed and logged in thesou...
测试版仅在 Xbox One,Windows 10 和 Android (Google Play) 平台上可用。如欲加入或退出测试版,参见 aka.ms/JoinMCbeta 以取得详细的说明 Minecraft Preview players may receive a slightly different version number, but the fixes and features here should be the same. More information can be found here...
Minecraft 基岩版是指运行在移动平台(Android、iOS)、Windows 10/11、主机(Xbox One、Switch、PlayStation 4)上,使用「基岩引擎」(C++语言)开发的 Minecraft 版本。 正式版包含所有特性且安全稳定,所有玩家都可以尽情畅享。 转载本贴时须要注明原作者以及本帖地址。本贴来自www.mcbbs.net ...
Strong attack Players When a player deals an attack that does not trigger any other attack sounds entity.player.attack.strong subtitles.entity.player.attack.strong varies [sound 3] 1.0 16 Critical attack Players When a player deals a critical hit entity.player.attack.crit subtitles.entity.player....