红石块 redstone_block ID相同 红石灯 redstone_lamp ID相同 红石矿石 redstone_ore ID相同 红石火把 redstone_torch ID相同 墙上的红石火把 redstone_wall_torch 物品的放置方式变种 红石线 redstone_wire ID不同 红石中继器 repeater ID相同 循环型命令方块 repeating_command_block ID相同 重生锚 re...
Red Tulip 紅色鬱金香 紅色鬱金香 Red Wool 紅色羊毛 紅色羊毛 Redstone Comparator 紅石比較器 紅石比較器 Redstone Lamp 紅石燈 紅石燈 Redstone Ore 紅石礦 紅石礦 Redstone Repeater 紅石中繼器 紅石中繼器 Redstone Torch 紅石火把 紅石火炬 Redstone Wall Torch 牆上的紅...
billboard可以让展示实体模型根据玩家视角进行变换,可以为fixed(垂直和水平角度都固定)、vertical(按照垂直轴旋转跟随玩家视角)、horizontal(按照水平轴旋转跟随玩家视角)和center(按照中心旋转跟随玩家视角)。[此段数据来自wiki] 如 summon minecraft:block_display ~ ~1 ~ {block_state:{Name:redstone_lamp,Properties:...
Redstone Comparator 红石比较器 Redstone Lamp 红石灯 Redstone Ore 红石矿石 Redstone Repeater 红石中继器 Redstone Torch 红石火把 Redstone Wall Torch 墙上的红石火把 Redstone Wire 红石线 Reinforced Deepslate 强化深板岩 Repeating Command Block 循环型命令方块 Respawn Anchor 重生锚 Rooted Dirt 缠根泥土 Roo...
能对信号有反应的红石物品叫做输出,例如:活塞、音符盒、命令方块(Command Blocks)、红石灯(Redstone Lamp) 等,这些方块被充能或接收到方块输出信号时会被激活【图片】这幅图片展示了1.8之前的所有红石元件、开关、输出,不过命令方块没有被加入进来 来自Android客户端5楼2014-11-30 19:44 收起回复 ...
-656 red_stained_glass_pane -737 red_terracotta -556 red_wool 376 redstone 152 redstone_block 123 redstone_lamp 73 redstone_ore 76 redstone_torch 55 redstone_wire -466 reinforced_deepslate 423 repeater 188 repeating_command_block 255 reserved6 -1021 resin_block 727 ...
minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane minecraft:red_terracotta minecraft:red_wool minecraft:redstone_block minecraft:redstone_lamp minecraft:redstone_ore minecraft:redstone_torch minecraft:redstone_wire minecraft:reeds minecraft:reinforced_deepslate minecraft:repeating_command_block minecraft:reserved6 minecraft:re...
Redstone componentThe intersection rail at a T-intersection may be made to change its direction of curvature by applying redstone power using a redstone torch, lever, or button. Separate tracks are laid adjacent, but at the next level, lower or higher can sometimes cause issues. However, ...
The stick figures then move on to Yellow's excavator build. Yellow's build features a redstone mechanism where the claw can move up and down. The stick figures also clap to his build. After that, Blue showcases his build which looks a lot nicer, hence all the other stick figures clap...
Redstone Dust low none tall Wall (any) eggsThe amount of eggs in this block. State value Blocks Integer (1 to 4) Turtle Egg enabledWhether or not the hopper can collect and transfer items. State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Hopper extended...