Nether Brick Stairs 地獄磚階梯 地獄磚樓梯 Nether Brick Wall 地獄磚牆 地獄磚牆 Nether Bricks 地獄磚 地獄磚 Nether Gold Ore 地獄金礦 地獄金礦 Nether Portal 地獄傳送門 地獄傳送門 Nether Quartz Ore 地獄石英礦 地獄石英礦 Nether Sprouts 地獄芽 地獄芽 Nether Wart ...
下界砖栅栏 nether_brick_fence ID相同 下界砖台阶 nether_brick_slab ID相同 下界砖楼梯 nether_brick_stairs ID相同 下界砖墙 nether_brick_wall ID相同 下界砖块 nether_bricks ID相同 下界金矿石 nether_gold_ore ID相同 下界传送门 nether_portal 没有物品形式 下界石英矿石 nether_quartz_ore ID相...
Nether Brick Fence 下界砖栅栏 Nether Brick Slab 下界砖台阶 Nether Brick Stairs 下界砖楼梯 Nether Brick Wall 下界砖墙 Nether Bricks 下界砖块 Nether Gold Ore 下界金矿石 Nether Portal 下界传送门 Nether Quartz Ore 下界石英矿石 Nether Sprouts 下界苗 Nether Wart 下界疣 Nether Wart Block 下界疣块 Nether...
When searching for nether quartz and gold, a good way to find a large amount is to just explore, as you wander the nether, you will come across lots of exposed nether quartz and gold ore, you can then mine it. This method is both fast and interesting, but also more dangerous, as ...
Nether Quartz minecraft:quartz Redstone Dust minecraft:redstone Pattern pattern Coast Armor Trim minecraft:coast Dune Armor Trim minecraft:dune Eye Armor Trim minecraft:eye Rib Armor Trim minecraft:rib Sentry Armor Trim minecraft:sentry Snout Armor Trim minecraft:snout Spire Armor Trim mine...
——Minecraft Wiki新内容非生物实体展示实体 · 包括方块展示实体、物品展示实体和文本展示实体三个实体,其ID分别为block_display、item_display和text_display,分别用于灵活展示方块、物品和文本。 · 与标记(marker)相同,不会导致任何更新,不会与其他实体碰撞,没有物理效果。 · 模型在实体所在的位置渲染,并...
This enchantment also allows a player to harvest ore blocks in dangerous situations (such as harvesting a Nether quartz ore in the Nether) and mine them in a safer situation at a later time. This enchantment only has 1 level. If you hold the Silk Touch enchantment book and use it to ...
ore_nether_gold 下界金矿矿簇 以生成位置为中心在生成位置下方生成一个下界金矿矿簇,但不可见,需要猜测其位置并摆放方块才能可见,是bug 要求:附近有地狱岩 ore_quartz 下界石英矿簇 以生成位置为中心在生成位置下方生成一个下界金矿矿簇,但不可见,需要猜测其位置并摆放方块才能可见,是bug ...
Iron, Copper, Gold, Lapis, Emerald, Diamond, Netherite, Redstone, Amethyst, Quartz 铁、铜、金、青金石、绿宝石、钻石、下界合金、红石、紫水晶及石英Netherite Equipment下界合金装备 Netherite equipment crafting now also requires a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template 下界合金装备的合成现在也需要一个升级锻...