Mining Fatigue 开采疲劳 挖掘疲劳 状态效果 Resistance 抗性 抗性提升 状态效果 Speed 速度 迅捷 状态效果使用了旧译名 Badlands 荒地 恶地 生物群系 Blue Torch 蓝色火炬 蓝色火把 教育版 Green Torch 绿色火炬 绿色火把 教育版 Purple Torch 紫色火炬 紫色火把 教育版 Red Torch 红...
This way, if they mine into a pit or lava, they won't fall into it unless they unhold ⇧ Shift (⇧ Shift won't let the player move down the ladder, but makes the mining speed slower). If the player does find a cave, they can climb up a little bit, remove the last ladder...
Last Breath More Damage and Mining Speed the more health you're missing 挖掘速度倍率:1.5 伤害倍率:3.0 计算公式: def def 闪电弧光链 攻击生物时有几率在其与附近的其他怪物间生成闪电弧光链 Lightning Arc Hitting mobs has a chance to spawn chaining lightning bolts between the hit and nearby monsters...
Iron doors are broken much faster using a pickaxe, and the mining speed is now tier dependent. RC1 The opening and closing sounds for doors have been changed. 1.111w47a Double doors now open correctly. 1.2.112w05b Villagers can now open and close doors. ...
加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Friction: The friction value determines how much the players feet will stick to the ground when walking on the custom block. Lower friction values will make the block slippery, like ice. The default value of 0.6 will feel normal. Higher friction values will reduce the walk speed on the block...
ABSORPTION: 伤害吸收效果的量化值,详见wiki文档:伤害吸收 class AttrType(object): HEALTH = 0 SPEED = 1 DAMAGE = 2 UNDERWATER_SPEED = 3 HUNGER = 4 SATURATION = 5 ABSORPTION = 6 # AttributeBuffType描述 Buff状态类型枚举值class AttributeBuffType(object): Hunger = 0 Saturation = 1 Regeneration ...
It ran away incredibly fast, I think faster than speed potion's effect. 它跑得非常快,我觉得那比速度药水的效果还快。It came back as fast as it ran away. 它很快就跑回来了。He was standing 1 block away from me.他站在离我一个方块远的地方。 Then I noticed it's nametag none.然后我...
Tools and armor can be upgraded with augments! Some augments include Wither Resistance, Absorption, Speed, Jump Boost etc. Getting Started (version 1.x): First you are going to want to go mining for Prosperity and Inferium ore. Next you are going to want to create some Crafting Seeds for...