铁傀儡(Iron Golem)是高大强壮的友好生物,用于保护玩家和村民。 目录 村庄 参见:村民§生成铁傀儡 铁傀儡会随村庄一同生成。 在Java版中,无论村民在惊慌或是在交谈,它们都可以生成铁傀儡。当村民尝试生成一个铁傀儡时,系统最多会尝试十次,在以该村民为中心的17x13x17格范围内(村民所在位置的方块在x/z轴上为+...
示例 /execute summon villager run damage @e[type=iron_golem,sort=nearest,limit=1] 1 generic by @s:在玩家位置上生成一名村民,并让它对距其最近的铁傀儡造成1()点普通伤害。条件子命令 条件子命令包括if和unless两种,用于测试特定类型的条件。两者的语义相反但参数结构一致,if表示“如果……就”,unless...
They sometimes stop sprinting to stare at other villagers,[Java Edition only] the player, or an iron golem. If the iron golem is holding out a poppy, the children may cautiously take the flower from its hands. Baby villagers tend to group and chase one another around the village as ...
第7行找出了这个列表中所有具备生成铁傀儡条件村民,即上文提到的基本条件。 接下来,游戏对比获取的村民数量和所需的数量,假如数量满足条件,则调用spawnIronGolem方法尝试生成铁傀儡。假如铁傀儡成功生成,即11行ironGolemEntity不为null,则更新这个村民上一次看见铁傀儡的时间。 尝试生成铁傀儡: spawnIronGolem 上文讲到...
Iron Golem/Kamen Rider Iron Golem Pig (Minecraft) Chicken (Minecraft) Snow Golem Ocelot Bee (Minecraft) Massive Mobs Noor Sunny Ari Zuri Makena Kai (Minecraft) Efe Zombie/Kamen Rider Zombie Enderman/Kamen Rider Ender Wandering Trader/Kamen Rider Wandering Trader Steve (Ohmagatoki counterpart) Alex...
Tweaked Iron Golem spawning logic to better match the Java Edition 调整了铁傀儡的生成逻辑,使其更接近Java版 Crimson Roots now have a small chance of growing on Warped Nylium blocks when using Bone Meal (MCPE-83616) 在诡异菌岩上使用骨粉时有极小的概率长出绯红菌索 (MCPE-83616) Commands命令 Th...
Pumpkin Spirit Neutral mob, by itself can be found on a small farm, like an iron golem attacks all monsters defending the territory. Extremely vulnerable to fire, as soon as he comes into contact with fire, he will be curbed by the spirit of the flame, after which he will turn into Se...
1 Welcome to the Technical Minecraft Wiki 2 Wiki Help 2.1 Basic Guidelines 2.2 Pages that will be added (please add if you have extensive knowledge on the subject): 3 Latest activity Welcome to the Technical Minecraft Wiki This Wiki is not like the normal Minecraft wiki. This is a place...
Legacy Console Edition is a discontinued term that refers collectively to several nearly identical editions of Minecraft developed by 4J Studios for game consoles. It comprises of: Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Minecraft: Xbox One Edition Minecraft: PlaySt
IronGolem spawners are in the economy Raiding is really as great as it ever was Impressive staff team. And last, and not least, A hospitable and accepting online community. Website: http://crymc.com/forums/index.php Server IP: na.crymc.com ...